A Christmas Emergency


Active Member

A Dovetail Production


in order of appearance

Amber Jane

Thanks to Gibbmodoll for the use of his Amanda at Shobdon pictures.

Dedicated to the real heroes in the Nation's Air Ambulances
All photos and videos remain the copyright of their original creators.​
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Oh Heck.

There is panic in the Tower at the moment.

Suki was on duty when we got a radio call saying we were to standby for an immediate Medical Emergency Situation.

The only problem is we have no room for any emergencies here right now as CT is helping Heather with some problems in the room we usually use for medical jobs, he says Heather will have to stay there until he's finished and then she'll will have to wait a while longer until she's 'cured'. :confused:
I'm not sure what it is he's doing 'cause he didn't have any needle and thread like he usually does. He had knives, little wooden sticks, brushes, powder, goooey gluey stuff and some really smelly liquids in bottles. Coral is in there giving him a hand. Amber was too but they had to send her out after she feinted when she saw CT stick a little sharp stick into Heather's nipple. :eek: Maybe he's giving her a piercing. Cool....

Actually that's not the only problem, our helicopter is not ready yet so we can't do anything with that, we have most of our new equipment here but without our helicopter there's not much we can do. Everyone is running around sorting out their duty kit just in case. Suki and I are on Radio watch today so we're just watching them all tripping over each other as they rush about. Actually I better go and sort my stuff just in case I'm needed too.

Amber is trying to find out more about the emergency right now.

Stay tuned and we'll let you know what happens.
Oh my lord! sounds exciting! Good luck if you do get called out! :tu we know the DDF are a professional outfit :whistle:

Oh double heck.

We've had further instructions. We've to scramble the helicopter and get to a patient who needs transferring to a hospital urgently. Our helicopter is not ready yet so we've been told we've got to try and find one locally that we can use.

Amber and Mandy are making phone calls right now, we might have to hire one, maybe we should tell CT that we'll be using his credit card, Nah he's still too busy, we'll tell him later.

Coral has left CT to get on with it and is now getting all her medical gear together cause she'll have to go and look after the patient.

Stay tuned.
OK Good News.

We've got a helicopter.

Mandy pulled some strings and got us the loan of the Cornwall Air Ambulance for this mission. We've got to be quick and get it back as fast as we can though.

It's much smaller than our TB101 so it will only have a crew of three, Mandy piloting, Amber co-pilot and Coral the medic.

I'm going to drive them out to the airfield now, so I gotta go.

We'll keep you all informed as soon as we can.

It was a bit like that Mr Wulfie

Oh my lord! sounds exciting! Good luck if you do get called out! :tu we know the DDF are a professional outfit :whistle:
Thank you Mr Karrot, we do our best. ;)
Well we're on our way, we won't be long now.

I'm speaking to you on the 'hands free', I don't know why they call it that, I have to hold the little ear thing in place with one hand and hold the phone in the other, maybe it's because I have no hands on the steering wheel....

:eek: Enough of that I'll take over the phone. Amber here.

We're heading to the airport now, we've got the use of Helimed181 the Cornwall Air Ambulance, although we'll be using our own callsign once we get going.

We're not sure where we're going once we've got the helicopter yet or any details about the casualty, I expect we'll get those once we're on board the aircraft.

Oooh wait we're getting a radio message.
>>Hello Delta One, this is Delta Zero over<<

>>Delta One, Send over<<

>>Delta Zero, You are to head direct to St Mawgan helipad 2, your flightplan has been filed with St Mawgan Control and will be loaded on the aircraft's GPS by the time you get there. Your casualty is an injured Teddy Babe, I say again an injured Teddy Babe, Expedite, acknowledge over.<<

>>Delta One, flight plan filed, Injured Teddy Babe, Expedite, Wilco Out<<


We've got to get there quick, some poor Teddy Babe is hurt and needs help, step on it Krystal

OK the Crew are at the helicopter now they are sorting out their kit and getting ready to start up, I better move the Car. :eek:


We can listen in to Mandy talking to the Tower

>>St Mawgan Tower, Shepherd111, with information charlie, request startup<<


>>Shepherd111, startup approved, temperature 11<<

>>St Mawgan Tower, Shepherd111, request immediate departure from helipad 2, departure to the East <<

>>Shepherd111, Cleared for take off from helipad 2, departure to the East, caution departing airbus, report when altitude 1000 ft, qnh1017<<

>>Clear take off, report when altitude 1000 ft, qnh1017, Shepherd111<<

>>Speedbird123 hold position due departing helimed<<

>>holding, Speedbird123<<



In the cockpit.

That's us at 1000ft Amber, make the call. I have control.

You have control.


>>St Mawgan Tower, Shepherd111, altitude 1000ft<<


>>Shepherd111, you are leaving my airspace, Tune Ted's Tower on 134 decimal 5, resume own navigation<<

>>Teds Tower on 134 decimal 5, bye bye, Shepherd111<<

I'm gonna call Suki, I wonder if she has any more info for us

>>Ted's Tower this is Shepherd111, with you at altitude 1000ft, heading 090, three miles East of St Mawgan<<

>>Shepherd111 climb to and maintain altitude 2000ft, continue own navigation, qnh 1017<<

>>Climb to and maintain altitude 2000ft, qnh 1017, Shepherd111<<

>>Shepherd111 this is Ted's Tower your Landing Zone is a back garden at the co-ordinates in your GPS, ground services are awaiting your approach, report when in sight of LZ<<

>>Roger, Shepherd111<<

Hey, there it is, just over to the left a little.

I see it, tell control.

>>Ted's Tower, Shepherd111, We have the LZ in sight<<

>>Shepherd111, Cleared to land, caution trees and telegraph lines<<

>>Clear Land, roger Shepherd111<<

OK it looks tight but fairly strightforward, I'll approach upwind over the brown field and then swing it round to fit in the garden, both of you keep an eye out for anyone coming out of the house please.



>>Ted's Tower this is Shepherd111, we have landed, Amber and Coral are away to see to the patient. Can you clear us direct in to Treliske?<<

>>Shepherd111 roger, standby<<

To be continued.
The pictures should be visible on both pages now, someone did an oopsy and forgot to change the visibility of the album. :wall All I will say is that it wasn't me. :no: Maybe if he spent less time sticking things into Heather he would have more time to get it right. :p

:o i hope the injured babe will be ok:tu

We hope so too Mr Dollman, the girls will do their best. :tu
It sounds exciting. We don't get anything like this going on round our way.

Love & hugs,
Gawd, I hope things work out well for them, nothing worse than a teddybabe in distress:(

If anyone can, the DDF can....go girls:tu
In the cockpit

OK Mandy our patient is on board and I've checked externally, we're clear, lets go.

Right I'll do the preflight, give Suki a call and ask if we're clear for Treliske at Truro yet.

>>Ted's Tower this is Shepherd111, 1 casualty on board, ready for departure, are we cleared into Treliske yet?<<

>>Shepherd111 Clear take off, Treliske are unable to take the casualty, make your way to Derriford at Plymouth, we'll sort out arrangements while you're en-route<<

>>Clear take off, Derriford, roger, Shepherd111<<

So, Plymouth it is then, how's our patient Coral?

She's not in a good way, this little Teddy Babe needs to get to a hospital as quickly as possible.

Roger that, here we go.

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In the Cockpit

OK Amber we're about 5 minutes away from Plymouth call the Tower and confirm we're clear to land and that they're ready for the patient.

>>Ted's Tower this is Shepherd111, 2000 ft, heading 040, 7 miles South West of Plymouth, do we have clearance from Derriford yet?<<

>>Shepherd111, Derriford are also full, divert now to the Royal Devon and Exeter, standby for further instructions<<

>>Royal Devon and Exeter, standingby, Shepherd111<<

Right Amber sort us out a course and ETA for Exeter.


In the Cockpit

>>Ted's Tower this is Shepherd111, we're ten minutes out of Exeter, are they ready for us.<<

>>Shepherd111 standby, we're on the landline to them at the moment<<

>>Roger, Shepherd111<<

>>Shepherd111 the Devon and Exeter can't take your patient either, we'll get onto Bath or Bristol, climb to and maintain altitude 3000ft, turn right to heading 010, report when steady.<<

>>Climb to and maintain altitude 3000 ft, heading 010, roger, Shepherd111<<

******** ********
Unintelligible comments from within the cockpit

Ted's Tower control room.

>>Shepherd111 this is Ted's Tower, we have a problem, both Bath and Bristol are full too, they cannot accept a Teddy Babe at this time. Say your endurance, we will have to find an option up-country.<<

>>We have about another 1 and a half hours fuel at current course and altitude, we'll need to refuel before being able to return now, Shepherd111<<

>>Shepherd111 Maintain your current Course and Altitude we'll sort out refueling for you, Standby<<

>>Roger, Shepherd111<<

Krystal can you get on the phone to all the midlands hospitals while I call Amanda at Shobdon and see if they can provide refueling facilities for the girls?

OK I'll start calling round the ones we haven't tried yet.

To be continued