Yet another 'Hello from a New Member' :)

Bit of non-Kim related news, for once.

As mentioned above and in various places elsewhere, I started with Kim because the elders of both the main forums recommended making all the usual n00b mistakes on a cheap doll and, while Kim has improved my well-being a lot, what I always wanted and would have bought if not for that advice, would be a tall variant of the Jasmine doll: WM163H#198/Green-Eyes; the face is smoulderingly sexy and the curves are insane:

I have a special fondness for the 198 head due to her likeness for a lady I saw on a dating website who was the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen in the mid-40s age group; she'd be a 175C or thereabouts by doll measurements and also had short black hair and green eyes; in one of her photos in particular, the resemblance to the 198 head was incredible!

However, I'd like a girl a tad shorter than myself (5'9" or 175cm) and just 'curvy' rather than 'thicc'. At the time there was only one choice for the body, the WM174G:

Then WM introduced the AngelKiss doll:

And the 175D:

I've been mulling over this excess of choice for months, seems like years LOL; but today, with the local events rained off, I spent the day reading through both the main threads 1 2 created by 163H owners and silicon's 174G thread, plus a few others. Plus the fact that I 'stole' a couple of silicon's pics for my computer and phone wallpapers :p: After all that it's become clear that what really turns me on is the 'fantasy' version of that lady, as stunning as the original Jasmine but with a taller body; so at last the decision is made: barring a miracle or disaster, my next doll will be a Jasmine, but in 174G and light tan skin instead of 163H; so this in light tan:

I still have to make a few other decisions regarding options on this type of doll, but at last I know which one to buy. Job done :tu
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Careful with that first pick, that 163H is nearly 50kg!

Personally for me of the above it would be the 175D (38kg) however, looking at the body shapes that you are going for I think it would be remiss of me not to say that you should be looking at the 164's, espechially the 164J (34kg).

Here we go, a couple of 164 girls helping Mr Mandos clear his drive:



Now onto the head. I can see that you are looking for an older looking girl but be careful that with this particular head you have not just fallen for the eyes. That head gets covered on page 51 of the Jinsan thread: (must update the index as I've got her as page 52).

Before deciding yes, that is the head for you also check out WM #201, #242, #262, #335 and also check out WM #200 (although that head is only available from RealLoveSexDoll in the US) as they share similar facial structures and all of those are in thir late twenties / thirties.

There is generally an option for a second head. I would recomend going a completely different direction for that one such as a #233 or #326 (see images). Those are not necessarily my favourite heads but rather heads that I think that you would like. For personal favourites amongst the non Elves I love #185 (my Charlotte and Georgie) and #414 (my Sandy). Although, just have to put an addendum there. Every Jinsan head here is loved just some of them are truly exceptional (#414 captures life like no head before it. Her smile is infectious).

Picking light tan you will also be able to upgrade your Kimber with one of the heads.

Don't rush to the purchase as this is the really, really fun part of creating the girl who will be with you for a long time.

Have fun,

All the best,

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Well, this was an interesting development; it was just an update and I wasn't expecting any replies other than 'Great, glad you decided at last :tu' or similar. It's really nice that you guys want to offer advice and I have had a look at the other heads and bodies, but apart from 262 and the 172 body maybe, I'm not really convinced.

Now I don't want you to think I'm being ungrateful or ignoring the experience of people who've been doing this longer than me, so maybe a clearer explanation of my thinking might help.

  1. I want a girl exactly 1" shorter than me; that means 174 regardless of other factors.
  2. I want a girl with a sexy seductive face.
  3. I want a girl with curves but not thicc.
  4. I have no realistic hope of buying more than 3 dolls in total.
  5. Nor of moving to anywhere that I'd have room to keep them.
  6. I fucking love brunette strong women and would rather have several different ones and can always buy more heads over the course of time.
  7. If I want to go the other way and have a sweet dippy blonde fawning all over me, that's what Kim is for.
  8. I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket**
It's hard to explain without going into my life history, but the lady on PoF in RL and silicon's girl in dolls, are literally my dream girl come to life: face, body, hair style, the works. Every time I have tried over the last 40 years to imagine a fantasy no-holds-barred dream girl, she has always looked something like that. No exceptions.

  • Hippolyta (mother of Wonder Woman) in DC comics
  • Xena, Warrior Princess and similar characters LL has played
  • Kyriani in DnD comics
  • Gadot's Wonder Woman is great too
Every day I see this in glorious FHD and think 'By the unholy name of ${DEMON}, I would make the Earth move with her if I but could':

I realise there are other choices that would give me a lot of pleasure and if I had a huge house and a disposable income of 1000s per month instead of a couple of hundred, I would likely copy shamus, tommo, winterwarBo on TDF, etc., and have my own harem of girls of different shapes, sizes, faces, etc. But with only one or two slots left after Kim, I must go for the one that says 'Wow, she's the ONE!' and so far, I have not seen any doll either in user photos or vendor pics that can better this design.

**And yes I already am planning a Cake song shoot once I get my superwoman goddess doll, the last line in the list wasn't a joke; indeed, somebody already did that with a stunning doll but on TDF IIRC.

EDIT: Since I wrote the above, it seems there is one issue with the 174G that is not obvious at first sight and I was lucky to have been alerted to it by the guys on TDF chat: LHP; however I will make a separate thread about that.

So to put a positive spin on it, does anyone know of any 'Xena Warrior Princess' type dolls that someone has got, other than silicon's girl?
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Ooh Xena.. Now that would be something special. Would be amazing if you could het the outfit and weapons. Would love to see that