Making the best of Julia


Gold Excellence Member

Julia is a bit "miserable" looking sometimes. She has asked me whether any of the experts on the forum have a view as to how she can make the best of herself.

Here are a couple of examples.


To my untrained eyes the second makes her look "better".

To me, in the first her open mouth is ok but looks much better at an upward angle.

I suspect her eyelashes and eyelids look heavy in the first photo. Perhaps not helped by the downward angle the lashes help create.

Any gentle suggestions (so as not to upset her) are invited.
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Hi Tex.

Shes beautiful as she is, but I understand the lack of her smile on occasion. I can introduce her to faceapp if you wish....

Want me to look at those above?

Julia is a bit "miserable" looking sometimes. She has asked me whether any of the experts on the forum have a view as to how she can make the best of herself.

Here are a couple of examples.


To my untrained eyes the second makes her look "better".

To me, in the first her open mouth is ok but looks much better at an upward angle.

I suspect her eyelashes and eyelids look heavy in the first photo. Perhaps not helped by the downward angle the lashes help create.

Any gentle suggestions (so as not to upset her) are invited.

I don't think that its anything so complex.... You forgot to buy her an Easter egg didn't you!

Off to the shop with you now (if you can find one thats open) and put a smile back on the poor lasses face.

Hi Tex.

Shes beautiful as she is, but I understand the lack of her smile on occasion. I can introduce her to faceapp if you wish....

Want me to look at those above?

That would be interesting to see. Please feel free to use any Julia images that will show what can be done and perhaps where she might be "cheered up".
I don't think that its anything so complex.... You forgot to buy her an Easter egg didn't you!

Off to the shop with you now (if you can find one thats open) and put a smile back on the poor lasses face.


Damn, you would suggest that great idea today of all days!
Well, I think she looks lovely. To the point, if her eyelashes were curled up more at the corners of her eyes, that would give a more happy look. Maybe lightening the eyeshadow between her eyebrow and eyelid or changing its angular shape to something that blends out softer, especially at the corners of her eyes. Possibly only having eyeshadow on her eyelids?

Well, I think she looks lovely. To the point, if her eyelashes were curled up more at the corners of her eyes, that would give a more happy look. Maybe lightening the eyeshadow between her eyebrow and eyelid or changing its angular shape to something that blends out softer, especially at the corners of her eyes. Possibly only having eyeshadow on her eyelids?


Thank you, this is the sort of excellent help she was hoping for.
There is a painted dark eyeshadow and eyelids, apart from anything i helped her to put on. I will have a chat with her to see if we can hide it with something lighter.

I have a feeling the existing eyelashes will have to come off (they have tried several times already) and start afresh with something that curls up more to show a little more of her eyes.

You are certainly right that lightening that area will make her look more of a happy bunny (note the Easter reference:))

Don't tell and cruelty organisations but i have taken her tongue out (it just sat in her mouth) so her mouth will naturally close a bit more.
Eyebrows indicate a deep frown, particularly in the first of those two photos.

Oh, and move those eyes! :rulez

The eyes are the windows of the soul...
The first pic... The outer corner of the eyes look lower.. The 2nd pic you obviously changed camera angle and she looks happier. I remember when i first got skye she always looked pissed off. They cant change their expression so we have to do it for them and when you get it just right its a lovely feeling
Lighter eyebrows and eyelids - didn't quite come out to the colour i thought but lighter.

Eye positions are a bit of a pain, movement tends to be a bit clunky and despite me telling her not to move they change position when she moves her head.

Having said that i think perhaps a bit of an improvement?


Her left eyelid is a bit different from the right one so need to look at that.
I find that when I take photos of Callie, if i want her looking towards the camera, she looks better when she is looking directly at the lens, as if there is a connection to her soul.

I have been posing her, looking into her eyes, then putting the camera lens infront of where my eye is. I have been doing this with both the dslr and phone cameras.

I haven't done much close-up, more the upper or whole body and try to angle her head and eyes to change the perceived emotion
Probably asking for trouble - facing shots


I guess from the flash reflection in her eyes she is at least looking at the camera!
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Just looking at the first two photos it‘s about the pupil. In the first one the eyelids cover her pupil which makes her look tired or unhappy. With the second photo from further down the pupils are free, which makes her look awake.
So when you take photos from further above you have to make her look further down, so the eye is free, and the angle on her mouth may even convey a smile.
You „just“ need to learn to pose the eyes correctly which is quite some work.

Good luck with your beautiful model.

With many thanks to GazzaGreen here are some FaceApp smiles



Much appreciated Gazza, you made her look really special :tu