Pumpkins and pillows


Golden Diamond Member
Pumpkins and pillows​

Photos by me
Choreography by Karrot
Assistance by Algae
Narration by Morgan Freeman

Things were getting a bit rowdy at the meet so Emma and Maddie snuck off upstairs for some peace

Emma whats a pumpkin? Adam says i look like im smuggling two

No idea Maddie. look in that ecyclepeado thing of yours

That cheeky old git

Hey thats my man you're talking about... just for that im gonna FILA your butt lol

Well just for that i should kick yours!

As Maddie removed the shoe from her smooth plump cheeks......sorry where was i..oh yes...Emma quickly gets the first strike in

Oh you are so dead

Bring it on

Both girls grab a pillow, Emma tries a blow from down low but Maddie is quick to block

Emmas second swipe hits the targets

Damm Maddie your boobs are epic!

Yea and so is my Kung Fu

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As Emma gets back up Maddie is ready with her weapons...i mean pillow

Its a stand off...who will attack first

Unkown to the girls ,best mates Bernard and Fred had come to investigate the noise

Stone me...have a butchers at this Fred

Out my way Bernie boy

Bloody hell, this is better than pay per view

Maddie lands a killer blow to Emmas face​

Oh take a look at them pumpkins Fred

Im getting a funny feeling down below Bernard

Sod it im getting up for a better look

Emma takes a huge side swipe at Maddie who manages to dodge the assualt

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Emmas pillow misses Maddie and follows through...

.......And Fred gets taken out....

....And knocks over Bernard on his way down

OMG guys what the hell are you doing

We heard screaming so we came to help

Yea right, you fat furry perverts...Get em Emma

Ooh Eck​

We showed them didnt we
We sure did Em... High five​

I dont feel so good Bernard, I wanna go home

Me too Fred...Me too
Absolutely brilliant story! Loved all the photos, a lot of work has obviously gone into setting all those up. Had a good giggle when the bears came in and the line, "You fat furry perverts..." was hilarious :21:21:21 Awesome :b

That was the good laugh I was ready for and I'm so glad that I didn't hang around during the shoot when I bobbed my head in, it could have been my glasses then went wonky instead of Maddie's (and it could have spoiled the surprise:rolleyes:)

Excellent work, guys:tu
Ah Fantastic! I've been waiting to see the pics, I may have been there to help set the scenes, but hadnt seen any of the pics.

Bloody brilliant mate! :b:b:b

now....Earl need a word about those pumpkins that are being smuggled......

Absolutely brilliant. This is an epic pillow fight. Love it.
The amout of work and posing - no wonder you all got so little sleep :)

I didnt take many shots during this, but we did capture one candid of a certain bear trying to get a sneaky peek up the girls skirts


That is an amazing series of photos, great stuff and pretty dang funny to boob... I meant boot... I mean

I got conboobed .. fused.