A Day In The Life Of A Companion Doll At Samurai's House

Thank you Sam, I haven't laughed so much in ages. This is why you are a legend in your own lifetime. A hundred emoji's of the laughing head.
Struggling for light a bit there Sam, bloody Scottish Winters! :D

A cracking little set nonetheless! :b
:bI'm impressed you got her to the top of that bridge! That looks like quite the spine-buster!

I don't know how you find these empty places to take your dolls - or are you hounded by weirdos just out of shot!

I hope you took her home and gave her what she really wanted! :21
Bumping this because I see it has fallen-off the new posts, so may be missed by some newcomers.
Only those who "do" sketches can really appreciate the imagination and thought necessary to develop a story, the sheer physical effort in posing and gathering accessories, and time getting to and from locations, the photographic skills and then the editing, putting on speech bubbles, etc, which has been put into a production such as this.
Etc. covers researching a location and having the audacity to turn-up there, eg. Dumfries House is owned by Prince (now King) Charles for God's sake. and it's not just around the corner from Sam's house, it's miles away.
And look carefully at every picture - her hands are in a different position, eg. clutching a teddy bear, it's not random, but thought about. And then the sheer length of the production - I can manage at most half a dozen pics before the cerebral juices (and my body) are exhausted. And he does it all on his own - no help with lifting and carrying, holding lights etc..
The man deserves the appellation "Legend".
The End.
Brilliant story, really enjoyed it, I'm wearing a heart monitor for 2 days and all those wonderful arse shots are going to leave me with some explaining to do when they get the damn thing back.

You are truly a maestro of stories. :b
Late to the party on this one, so apologies Sam.

Brilliant work as always, but damn, that's not an easy location to shoot at. The carpark is miles away, so you literally have to walk through the whole estate and past the restaurant to get to the bridge and maze! At 9.30 in the morning, that takes balls of steel mate :tu

Btw, Mia is fucking hilarious, and Teddy speaks for all of us :tu

:b :b :b

Listen thanks guys for all your comments, i feel like a shit as i would like to reply to them all individually but there are to many :eek: i can remember a thread that i have done that got this amount of comments so again thank you.

I love doing these types of threads as it is something i enjoy doing, i still get a buzz when taking them out and not knowing what the day will bring or who i will meet whem put and about, mostly its just dog walkers and joggers and no one really pays any attention, at least not that i have noticed, Occasionally i will get someone staring with a puzzled look on their face :24 .

I am glad you all (even if you were just being nice) enjoyed it, It's the icing on the cake that makes it all the worth while, but even if i did not get any comments i'd still do it, Its what i have dolls for and there is hardly a day goes by that my little brain is not working on something else to do in the near future with theses girls (that involves keeping their clothes on) {well most off them} :p

You really are a what this forum is all about, each and every one of you without you and your contributions to this forum and this lifestyle,hobby or whatever you want to call it then this place would not the place each of us visit so offten and in somewhat reality spend most of our spare time, so yet again a massive thanks for everything you do and everything you post. :b

Cheers :drink

Thanks Sam!

I think many of us admire what you do with your girls ‘on tour’ and envious that you have the balls to do it!

I myself would like to follow suit but my biggest problem is actually getting them out of the house! I share my back area where I park my car with three other neighbours, two of whom are mostly in all day! Once out where there’s no one I know I think I’d be fine!

Anyway, keep ‘em coming mate so we can just sit back and envy what you do!

Cheers, Hollows.