Yet another UK member from TDF


New Member
Like an earlier post, I joined TDF before I became aware of this forum.
A friend introduced me to this whole new world that I didn’t know existed, and my only regret is that I didn’t find it earlier.
My main interest, at this early stage on my journey, is Barbie and similar sized dolls but, through TDF and other sites, I am discovering the bevy of beauties that are available.
I will look forward to becoming an active member of the forum and to making my next purchase.
:welcome to the forum! You've come to the right place.

I started with 1/6 scale dolls, before I discovered the amazing lifesize ones, of which I now have three, and I also found TDF first (but I only stayed a week!) I found the UKLDF a valuable source of support, advice, lots of laughs, and found some amazing friends here too. Plus doll loving made me develop an interest in photography and fashion that I never had before. Enjoy! :D
Welcome to the forum :tu

There are some truly beautiful girls that are around the size of a barbie called Phicens. Metal Skelton with a rubber covering (it's neither TPE nor Silicone so I'll stick with a description of just Rubber). For quite a bit more money and only a little more size there are Smart dolls thet truly bubble over with personality.

And then you move up to the the big girls (yes River) and Elves.

Any girl you see that you want to know who she is and where you can get one from, just ask. One of us will know.

Hope you have fun here.... Now off to the reprogramming tent with you for LHP discussion aversion therapy.... Basically a bunch of oiled up TPE girls beat you with wet fish every time you mention LHP until you are completely cured.... I'm not completely convinced that as aversion therapies go that one is a particularly well thought out one!
Welcome in Fashionista :welcome

Started at TDF first and still there, then discovered this place. Bought a Kimber as a first doll from a member here and later on a tall stunning WM girl new, plus various mini figures and statues that sometimes figure (sorry!) in my girls' stories. Kim is kinda like a life size Barbie and I have a real Barbie for when she appears in mini form, along with an Action Man for my character in mini form (sadly I'm not really as young, fit, nor handsome as him :p), plus of course Al the Alien, a Big Chap 7" posable A L I E N, and Matt the Cat.

Learning make up and so on is a big PITA for me, but photography was OK as I'd been doing wildlife and landscapes for years; as for the dolls, I do fantasy and some fashion, and it was great to finally be able to replicate the 1980s top-shelf magazine soft-porn/erotica with the girls and get it right the way I wanted it (lots of lingerie and lace, plus minimal nudity).

Looking forward to seeing your fashion pics :tu

:welcome to the UK Forum, look at the posts from doll sites to our 2nd hand/ new sometimes, For Sale posts. Read a lot and how to look after these beauties.
ATM our family of Louiseandhersisters and friends consist of 23 beauties from ebay, Alibaba, OR, WM, JY, Lucid, Kimber and others so there's an array of girlies you can choose from. Most of all always look at the weight of them
Best wishes from Louise and her sisters.
:welcome Glad you found uklovedollforums (UKLDF). :b

I am a big fan of TDF for its footfall and volume of Knowlege, here we are a little quieter.

I do hope you enjoy your time here. :tu
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