Mannequins Everywhere! Part 1.1 - Kitchen


Gold Member
Those of you familiar with 70's Rock may remember a band called Little Feat. On their first album they had a track called 'Snakes on Everything!'. Well I've taken that to heart in my house. Not only are there Snakes on Everything! but there are Mannequins Everywhere!


In the kitchen dwells Twisted Tinkerbell


She is not as sweet as she looks. There are signs of something more evil that you would not suspect in a good fairy. For one thing that trident in her right hand packs the punch of a Tazer


And for another she has something between her legs that you would never expect


But she does have pom-poms on her pink stilettos!
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Mannequins Everywhere! Part 1.2 - Kitchen

In the corner lurks Celeste, the PVC dominatrix


She does Tinkerbell's dirty work for free although she is not averse to putting the boot in on her own behalf!


Poor Quella cannot believe her bad luck in being trapped in the kitchen with these two evil creatures.


She came all the way from Asia to work in this house. But now she just wants to get away


With a bit of luck and a good result on ebay one day she might be free!
Nice Girls Mission!

You have some nice girls there Mission. I like Quella best. If she wants to get away from the other two minx's she can always pop round and see Jessica for a pot of tea and a slice of cake, if you live in the fair county of West Sussex
Do you have any more lovely ladies to show us?
Regards, loverboy
Great pics mission.:) Tinkerbell, Asia and Celeste are all very stunning, if I had to choose it is definatlely/ maybe :D Celeste but the outfits and the Mannequins look ace, thanks.:)
I see what you mean about that Tinkerbelle. I wouldn't trust her to boil a kettle, let alone anything else - not with that far-too-sunny smile of hers.

She's up to something, I'm certain of it! :D