Need some HELP


Gold Member
I need some help please, I have tried downloading an Album but I keep getting a message saying that there is a Security Token missing ?. Am I doing something wrong or does the Admin have to do something to allow me to download an Album. :wall
I do not realy understand what you mean by " downloading an Album " :confused:

Now if you are trying to "Upload" a photo/picture to an album and you get the Security Token missing message this means the photo you are trying to upload is to big in file size.

You will need to resize your picture to less than 1 megabyte or somewere around that size.

To add to Sam's advice, the maximum picture size is 800x800, resizing is best done with editing software prior to uploading.

As for downloading an album, no idea how you would do that without individually downloading each photo by right-clicking on each picture and choosing 'Save Image As'.