Award Nomination -Samurai


Golden Diamond Member
It's frustrating reading the rules of the Wetsuit Awards that Samurai's amazing contribution to the forum and to the fun of dolls doesn't quite fit those rules - oh - perhaps it does in actually nominating so many for Awards.

That might be the excuse for a Wetsuit Award (by the way, thanks for reminding me about Wetsuit - it was a long time ago and I was only young then) . . . but the real reason is that I can't be the only one impressed by Sam's outstanding intrepid doll sagas to the most wonderful areas of countryside and sea to document the lives of the most exotic of tourists.

His dedication to these expeditions has increased, now with to five installments and the time and dedication that goes into series of photos like this for our enjoyment is enormous and not able to be appreciated by general visitors who haven't had experience of doing it.

For this reason Sam's a star of the forum less acknowledged than he should be.

I'm aware years back of a legend of him doing a lot of work sorting out photos on the forum as well so there really are multiple reasons for him to receive a Wetsuit Award.

Best wishes

Well first of all Thank you Harem and everyone else above, but as you so rightly said there is no award for , well basicly posting photos, sure its a bit extra work as you well know, doing outdoor photoshoots and its not that cheap either but its what i do, i don't smoke, i don't drink, i don't like football infact i have no other interests other than taking photos of my dolls.

Posting them here and TDF is a bonus as its a place to post the photos we take for others to view and hopfully enjoy.

When i look at other peoples photos it brings a smile and sometime's a laugh as they can be funny, Thats a smile and a laugh i would not have if people did not post, so this is one of the reasons i post and hope others will gat the same enjoyment i do.

The point is, and as much as i appreciate the nomination i don't think an award for doing what i do is realy needed.

I allready have "awards" here but i deleted them from my sig as to be honest i don't like badge wearing. I was a Legendary member before i was coerced back onto the staff team :rolleyes: and I would have prefered "Retired" :)

Awards are great for people that want them, but its just not me.

Example : Andy Murry gets a knighthood for hitting a ball over a net,Sean Connery get one for pretending he is someone he is not, i think they call it acting, If i were one of these 2 people i would have told them to stuff there knighthood as there are more deserving people out there, Surgons, doctors nurses carers, people who make a difference in other people's lives in a daily basis,and what do they get, most get a shitty pay packet at the end of the week.
I my eyes these are the real people who deserve recognition . :b

So an award for posting some photos and doing what i enjoy, pftt thanks but no thanks, but again i do appriciate the sentiment honestly i do. :tu

Thank you :)

Sam.. :cool:
OK :21 - but you deserve it.

There are few people who actually go to the lengths, quite the lengths, that you do to achieve your threads. They're no mere random snapshots, and they're manoeuvring ladies, heavy ladies, long distance. Your threads are marathons compared to most others who manage a sprint or two.

Best wishes

Well if not a medal or award you deserve something for your sense of humour, or maybe should your dolls recieve a medal their sense of humour in your photo shoots :24.

Their interaction with you always makes me laugh :tu. I remember the Cindy Saga, what a laugh and some of your other dolls and their interactions just crack me up :drool :tu

Here here!..
There bloody well should be one, crikey, the man must be as fit as a mallee bull after hopping around the countryside carting sexy hotties and snapping of legendary pics of mountains, valleys and bush land, and ones where they are dressed too. :21
Seriously, I support the motion, it's also nice for us to be able to express our appreciation, so it's for us as well as you mighty Samurai, so suck it up and take the compliment brother. :D :tu
I'm still a fairly fresh face here :no: (relatively speaking), and from what I can gather, days gone by were the glory days, though mostly for Teddybabes, but for myself at least as I see it, more reasons to post and show appreciation are going to keep things more mobile, and more alive.
Anyway, food for thought.
Award for Sam = Yes!

or maybe should your dolls recieve a medal their sense of humour in your photo shoots :24.

Oh yes. Your dolls do deserve medals. They can be expected to work as models with no pay, inappropriate food, being made the butt of endless jokes and serially dumped when the next one comes along and takes your eye . . .

Best wishes

Whether you wish an award or not, please be assured that your (marathon) efforts to provide us mere mortals with photos of attractive scenery and dolls are very much appreciated, Sam. :b:b