For Your Eyes Only


Platinum Member
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You're back at last !!! I'm just looking at this book of yours, some nice pics in it, all about 007, When's that package arriving, I hope its something for me
Oh bloody hell, you've been eating my biscuits in bed again, just look at the mess !!

Don't be so boring Loverboy, and I've got an itch, from those tights you got me, give my butt a nice scratch for me, as I can't reach very well. You know you want to, hee hee

Could be flash, Could's taking me so long to put the pics on here, BUTT the story's not finished yet, unless you want to interact:D
Do I have to do everything myself, huh, unless Flash wants to scratch it for me ?? I think I might have to tell a certain someone you are not taking care of me, well here goes nothing...
That's it I think I can just about reach, with my poorly arm, and I suppose you're just going to stand and watch Loverboy? , well I might have to speak to you know who about your indiscretions
Ahhh, Ohhhhh, that's it right in the crack, these bloody tights, oh yeah might as well tell everyone, Loverboy got these, because he likes girls in tights and no knickers!!!!


That's much better, when you get an itch you just have to scratch it, hee, hee, I think I'll leave myself a little exposed, save me trying to pull the dress up again, if I get another itch
WHAT A BUTT !!!!!!!!!! I think I may have to show this on the forum :D

But its supposed to be For Your Eyes Only, Loverboy, hee,hee
THE END - special thanks to Mcvities digestive, Primark and Flash, who ended up as an extra and to large BUTTs everywhere. Also in tribute to the one and only 007 Sir Roger Moore
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Hope you enjoy, ended up a bit of a disaster with trying to post pics, as I only have a tablet.

THE END - special thanks to Mcvities digestive, Primark and Flash, who ended up as an extra and to large BUTTs everywhere. Also in tribute to the one and only 007 Sir Roger Moore
I have to say Lucinda, I'd make a good 007 at the moment, because this pic is definitely making me roger more. :drool :21

Wouldn't of had to ask me twice to scratch your bum Lucinda,:twisted: butt damn it I was busy at the time! Looks like you had a good laugh scratching yourself anyhow!:D At least it wasn't mission impossible.:rolleyes:
nice picture story lucinda, carly say hi and is glad to see you on the forum. carly also says sean connery was a better 007.

carly snugglemore and carlys_guy

Oh! She's lovely LB with those gorgeous Carly eyes and all that hair. Such a cheeky expression too. She looks a lot of fun.
Kat and Julie send their regards.