I'am working on a 5'10" (1.76 m.) tall female full size doll

Hi all,

I will post more pictures she got nice ears too, but on that photo the ears were covered by the hair...
The mouth still needs some work, nicest would be if I could give her upper and lower teeth but then I have to sculpt that dental work of coarse.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
I really wouldn't know where to begin, so I can't offer any advice. But if you keep on doing what you're doing she's going to get there.:)

More work has been done on dental work and also on the ears...


Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Guys and girls

She is lie this as per today, almost finished and I have got casting materials to build a mold from her:


Mytime & Helen & Carmen
That is one hell of a lot of work done, something I've thought about but would'nt know where to start unless it's metal mmmmmmm :o. Glad to see the eyebrows have gone they did'nt quite work for me. Look forward to seeing your future progress.
Just remember “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” Jesse Owens 1936 Olympics :cool:
Your creation is really unfolding so quickly and well now mytime.:) I hope all goes to plan. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished version of her, good luck with her.:)
Guys and Girls

Enjoy, Some more to watch Perry (ODC) was so nice to make a photoshop mockup! Thanks to Perry we've some ideas how this plane flies :D


Mytime & Helen & Carmen
She looks a lot better with flesh on

The skin tone really brings out the colour of the eyes

She's showing all the signs of being quite a looker

Your definitely on the right track, very nice work.
The skin addative makes a great difference mytine. I agree with Ian she's going to be stunning.:)
Guys & Girls,

I'am still busy with the sculpt, I'am in the last steps before making a mold.
I learned how to make molds from copying a small sculpture I made, and designed a mold for the head based on the gained experience.


I had to spray paint the sculpture to finish her smooth.
I have bad luck with the oil based acrylic spray paint cause it does cure very slow (the sculpey seems kinda react with it which slows down the curing of it)
Any way here is the spray painted sculpture.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Very impressive Mytime. There's always going to be a few trials and tribulations but on the whole it all seems to be going very well.:)