502 bad gateway


Bronze Member
I've been getting that error message coming up with increased frequency recently. Any idea what it's about? It's getting quite frustrating!
Last time it was sorted by Cyber Ted and appears to have happened again although I'm not getting the problems that I had yesterday. I've PM'd him and hopefully when he's free he'll sort it out.

Please bear with us on this matter and hopefully it'll be sorted soon.


Not experiencing any problems myself. Although I'm accessing the site on a samsung S2 tablet with up to date software.

Which OS are you using Saxen?

Thanks guys, yeah you beat me to it. I was going to ask about it. It seems to happen when I log out and I have to turn my mobile off and on again.

Does it affect certain types of PC, Tablets or Mobiles?

Yep still get this every logout, always have since the server issues.
Often re-clicking on my UKLDF bookmark and logging out again solves it, sometimes needing a browser restart (Firefox) and or a cache clear, sometimes not until a system restart.
It happens using either my windows 7 pc or the windows 8.1 pc, but my Samsung android based tablet has no issue.
I think Harem posted something about hinix and a fix by editing some parameters therein, possibly only relevant to Firefox, but I couldn't understand where these data lines actually existed or find any navigational clues.
It doesn't really bother me, there are no other issues.

thanks guys :)

I have 3 devices that I use to browse the wonders of the world wide web. My samsung tablet was having issues until I was able to connect it to the wi-fi yesterday and it updated a load of stuff, so I expect that will be OK now. My lappy running some old windows was doing it as well, but seems OK at the moment and that could well be because the thing has a hissy fit and I have to restart firefox every few days anyway.

The main device that I use is an old Hudl tablet that lives by my bed for nocturnal browsing. That is the one that has the most trouble (in fact I haven't been able to look at this thread since I posted it!). I have now re-initialised the primary power coupling so we shall see if that improves it ;)

Bloody technology. great when it works and I'm hopeless when it doesn't!