Wtf ?

Can't really help as I link to images on my own server.

Perhaps Cyber-Ted could get his paws on the issue.
Hi Phil,

I've had the same problems in the past. And even when I've been able to upload pics to a gallery on this forum, the quality isn't great.

Ive started uploading the images on an external image hosting site and then posting the links. Much better quality and no problems so far :)

Doesn't solve the actual issue with the forum, but at least you'll be able to post your pics.

Hope that helps,
Hi psin, thanks for that just uploaded pics there how do I put them on here?

Once you've upload the pics you should see this screen

Make sure you pick the 'BBCode full linked' in the Embeded Codes drop down menu.

Then click on the 'copy' button at the bottom right to copy that long link.

Then all you need to do is 'paste' that link into your post on the forum.

Job done :)

Any problems, let me know,
WTF???Half way through uploading pictures I get internal server error unable to do this action WTFUCK???

I can't see anything wrong with the site, however you may have hit the limit for number of pictures stored, I've upped your limit. Have another try and see if it works now.
