502 bad gateway error


Hi all,

I'm getting 502 bad gateway error on all new threads. For example, I cannot read at all Harleys lecture in Amstadam thrread, or Phils 6k thread, or Allo, Allo pt 5. However, I can read the Anya and Elora threads because they are older threads with new posts.
Has something changed today?
kindest regards,
Now, when I posted this is gave me a 502 but obviously its taken it and I was able to read this one.

I've fdone all the usual things like hitting F5 to resfresh cache and going out and back in to firefox.

Interesting that it will not allow me to log off the site. Get a 502 when I try that as well.

Think that I'm going to restart the machine.

talk later (I hope!),

Hitting F5 only reloads the page, if it's cached it will load it from there.

Ctrl+F5 will force reload the page from the source site and overwrite what's in the cache. That often works and cures the problem.

However to really sort it requires getting rid of any old stuck cookies as well, the instructions above do that, clear any cached data and work much more regularly than a 'cache clear' on its own. :tu

Cheers CT,

I think that you posted the wrong link as that was just a tin of spam... lol... I assure you I'm not spamming.

Anyway, only when I restarted the machine did I notice that you had posted. I still couldn't read thee posts of others but I could read this one.
I had used f5 to clear to temporay cache but that did nothing. I went ahead and cleared firefoxes cache and cookies and that logged me off the site. When I logged back in, everything now works again.

Thanks a lot for the pointers CT. I hadn't thought of clearing cookies... Sure that there were probably lots of them from all of the time that I'm spending on vendor sites!

Right, I'm off to bed. Just been one of those days where absolutely everything that I've touched seems to have gone wrong.

Thanks again,

LOL yep you're right, I had posted the link I meant to add to the 6000 post thread. :D

Ooopsie Sorry. :o

Anyhoo I've fixed the link. If you're still having the problem tomorrow try going through the instructions in the link above.

In the last couple of days 502 errors are starting to hit up to 50% of the time. Is anyone else experiencing such?

Best wishes

If I log out in order to go to one of my girls log ins I always get bad gateway on the first attempt and then it works ok on the second attempt.
get it lots but its an easy fix.

Assuming that you use firefox as most people do nowdays (well, either that or chrome but I'll talk you through FF)

Privacy & Security
Cookies & site data
Manage Data

In the search box that pops up type the site name

Select it
Press remove shown
Save changes

Thats it, you're done and the site will work again :tu

