Can't upload photos Internal Server Error


Active Member
I am selling a doll and made a new album for the sale pics and uploaded 10 pics but now I get internal server error and can't upload anymore pics, all pics are within size limits..what did I break :rolleyes:
Please ignore my previous post for some reason there were two pictures that just won't upload the rest are ok :tu
I've sometimes had errors uploading photos Tekki.

Went back to the photo editor software I use. Just reduced the size by a pixel and the photo would then quite often upload.
Yes, I have had that issue as well, generally with any photos with a file name that has a special character ('":/,*#-,etc), possibly these generate a syntax error when the upload tool converts size.

In most cases if I rename without the character, no issues.

You are both correct :b The problem seemed to be a combination of a file name with a dash - and when I reduced the original pictures to a max 800 pixels the size was still too big at 255kb which I missed :o