Whats happenin?


Golden Diamond Member
Hi,guys ive tried 3 times now to reply to and compliment on Wulfies latest post but i keep getting told insuficient words when i know i've written plenty. whats going on?
Hi,guys ive tried 3 times now to reply to and compliment on Wulfies latest post but i keep getting told insuficient words when i know ive written plenty. whats going on?

That's a new on on me Phil. I've just posted on that thread and it works ok for me?:confused: I can't really help.Maybe something daft, try logging out then logging back in again?:confused:
That's a new on on me Phil. I've just posted on that thread and it works ok for me?:confused: I can't really help.Maybe something daft, try logging out then logging back in again?:confused:

Hi,JAyjay. i just tried to add to your music posy n that did same thing here goes...
Hi,JAyjay. i just tried to add to your music posy n that did same thing here goes...

Obviously something not right Phil? I'd PM Samuari and see if there's anything he can come up with.:)

music POST that was sposed to say. Yeah, have you heard Roger Waters Wallat the Wall? Van Morrison sings a great version of comfortobly numb on there

Thanks for those, I've not heard of the Van Morrison version,Nor the Roger Waters one, I'll have to do some serious looking on youtube.:)
Obviously something not right Phil? I'd PM Samuari and see if there's anything he can come up with.:)

Same gig-same song Roger Waters and friends OUTSTANDING! Van the man,Joni Mitchel,The scorpions,Cindy Lauper,Marrianne Faithful,Snowy White

Thanks for those, I've not heard of the Van Morrison version,Nor the Roger Waters one, I'll have to do some serious looking on youtube.:)

I have no i idea :confused: Could be you just need a new keyboard.

This probably won't solve it but.

Clear your internet search history, all recent webpages, clear cookies etc log off then back on again.

Create a new account for Jessica or Pris and see if you get the same results using there account.

I have no i idea :confused: Could be you just need a new keyboard.

This probably won't solve it but.

Clear your internet search history, all recent webpages, clear cookies etc log off then back on again.

Create a new account for Jessica or Pris and see if you get the same results using there account.


Thank you,SAmurai. it seems to work mostly now but if it persists ill try your suggestion. i dont even knowhow or where to clear cookies.
Hi Phili - maybe you did something like accidentally write inside someone else's quotation marks and the internet thinks you haven't written any of your own words?

*goes to try it out*

Yep - if I accidentally do that and type inside someone's original post/quote, then I get a "Your message is too short... 10 characters" box come up.

That sounds like it... just make sure you scroll down to the very end and especially past any long spaces between quotes and links etc....

I always shorten any stuff in quotes to just the salient part of their message.

Either way, just leave the [/QUOTE] part at the end of THEIR words, then type your response!

HTH :)
Hi Phili - maybe you did something like accidentally write inside someone else's quotation marks and the internet thinks you haven't written any of your own words?

*goes to try it out*

Yep - if I accidentally do that and type inside someone's original post/quote, then I get a "Your message is too short... 10 characters" box come up.

That sounds like it... just make sure you scroll down to the very end and especially past any long spaces between quotes and links etc....

I always shorten any stuff in quotes to just the salient part of their message.

Either way, just leave the
part at the end of THEIR words, then type your response!


THATS EXACTLY IT!Thanks,Cosy youre a genius! Happy days.