Lipstick for tpe


Golden Diamond Member
Hi. Been having a wash and powder day so ive redone Emma's make up. Slowly getting better but what im struggling with is the lipstick. If i use regular lipstick its either a complete mess or it drags on her lips and wont apply properly. I get best results with eye shadow powders and lip gloss over that but this doesn't seem to last more than a day or two. When i have managed to get proper lipstick to apply it lasts longer. Can anyone offer any tips or brands that work well with tpe. Cheers

FOLLOWING, I've tried exactly what you have, and like you, powder topped with gloss is the only thing I have found that works.
Powder then lip gloss is what I use, for the reason you have noted...

All I can suggest is that you stop kissing her...

Real girls have the same problem... :whistle:
Powder then lip gloss is what I use, for the reason you have noted...

All I can suggest is that you stop kissing her...

Real girls have the same problem... :whistle:

I think we both know thats never gonna happen lol. She's just too damm kissable
Well, I see absolutely nothing amiss with Emma's lips but assuming that others will be reading this not as obviously skilled at this as yourself I'll throw in my two penneth on what I use and how I apply it.

As you know, not all lippy's are created equal. Some are too dry and work like a crayon. Others are too wet to apply directly (as you seem to have discovered).

I find the Primark home brand lippy's to be perfect but the way that I now apply the lipstick works with most except the dry crayons that you get with cheap makeup sets.

I apply the Lipstick to the lips either directly from the tube or if quite wet with a flat oil painting brush using the lipstick like an artists pallette.

Once applied it can look uneven and a bit blotchy.

I then use a large soft watercolour brush to smooth and even the coverage.

For more of a semi shine when dry I apply some lip balm on top. This will also cause the lippy to bleed into the TPE and stay there making it semi permanent (many thanks to Mandos for that tip).

..... This whole conversation is not one that a couple of years ago I EVER thought that I would be responding to or indeed know absolutely anything about!

Hope something in the above helped but as I say, I think Emma's lips are perfect so don't think that you need my help.

All the best,

Eyeshadow is what I use on my lady. I clean her lips with baby oil, drying them off before applying the eyeshadow; no cornflour/talc beforehand as this causes the eyeshadow to wear away quickly. This lasts a long time, even with kissing. For shiny lips I'll apply a gloss, but those lips aren't for kissing, those are for the camera.
All these tips are very helpful :)

Shame we don't have a Primark here in Jersey :( and my annual trip to York (where they do have one) has been cancelled because of the you-know-what :(

And like Shamus, I wouldn't have believed two years ago that I would be involved in a conversation about applying lipstick to dolls!! :)
Emma thanks you for the compliments.. And like you i also never thought id be discussing make up tips lol. I recently bought these 2 different types of lipstick. I thought the top one would be good for getting a perfect outline.. Wrong.. It just drags and struggles to leave anything on the lips.. The lower one just leaves a gloopy mess. Both of these cost 10 pound each so as you can imagine im reluctant to buy any more
