Cannot upload pics


Gold Member
Hi guys
I have a problem I cannot.upload any pictures
I keep getting a message saying upload.failed because
Of a security token?

I would like to post some pictures of my jy doll for
Members to look at

Cheers Dark
I had that problem the best way i found was to upload them to a image hosting website and attach the bb embedded link
I resize mine using Paint to 1024 pixels on the longest size and make sure the file size is 250kb max. If it's larger than that, I reduce the pixel size.
Hi guys
I have a problem I cannot.upload any pictures
I keep getting a message saying upload.failed because
Of a security token?

I would like to post some pictures of my jy doll for
Members to look at

Cheers Dark

That usually means that you are trying to upload a picture that is too large for our image resizing function.

Try reducing the file size using either an app or Gimp or similar before uploading the image. Either that, or as suggested, use an image hosting service and post the link here. :tu

The recommendation for the Forum is that photos should not be larger that 1,280 x 960 pixels.
Thanks guys

Thanks guys I have normally just uploaded from camera phone and the forum as resized ...
I'll try again