Greetings from a south UK based newbie!


Modelled by Mrs Allie​

She's stunning!
It's not the swords or squirrel i was worried about,


Worry not, I've told Squirrel that it wasn't her that you were talking about having no fear of so if your not a toad already you're fine. And if you are a toad from experience its just a 24 hour thing. Just stay away from large birds until it wares off.

Ah So...its just copy image address, ta muchly ....simples :)

On clicking your first link, it come with the page and the gif. If you right click and select open image in new tab, a new link appears in the top, simply remove the "?itemid=5632788" at the end in this case, so you're left with the .gif

Same applies with .png .jpg and so forth. :)