Picture posting problem


Golden Diamond Member
Im about to launch my phone out the truck window in a minute.. During the last photo comp i had problems uploading a pic of emma to my entry. Svevo manged to get it to work but when i downloaded his reworked pic it still wouldnt work for me. Just tried a test post and it still wont let me upload a pic from my album to a post.. Dont really understand whats going on as 1 im doing exactly what it says in the thread about posting pics. 2 ive always been able to upload pics up till now and 3 if its in my album then surely it should go into a post.. I do have a pc but im not a fan. Will try tonight maybe and see if i have more luck. Anybody else had a problem like this?
I am very new to the forum and have just uploaded a 600x800 res image. The photo uploader may just be limited to size (KBs), if so as long as the image is less than the maximum KB size it may upload a larger image resolution. Some images of mine would not upload even though it was 800x800 res or below the maximum size. I changed the image file name to its original camera name EG: IMG_5050.JPG, and the image uploaded OK. Try that, hope it helps.