Just when I thought I'd mastered EVERYTHING...


Silver Member
I have a question whenever I put title or thread starter I sometimes would like it to be in both upper and lower case. For example with Ladies Keep Fit With Elina was how we wanted it to appear, it didn't it was displayed as Ladies keep fit with elina. I have other titles/thread starters in the way I/we wanted some of ours to appear, I have tried pasting it in and typing it in, all fail. How do I/we do it?


SJ & Elina

Just noticed it worked this time!
This Is a Title, there are many like it but this one is MINE

Do it exactly the way you did it this time........er........

I helped? :confused::confused:

I've noticed on the odd occasion my thread titles have changed to lower case, when I was damn sure I typed in upper.:confused: but I thought it was yet another glitch with Google Chrome or just down to operator error, obviously I can go back and change them. If you need them correcting just give me a yell.:tu

i hElPeD...

Certain checks are run on a post before it is uploaded to the database.

Capitalisation is one of them, which is why sometimes quoted posts suddenly lose their capitalisations etc. when your reply contains only
for example.

If a post contains only capitals or numbers, even the quoted text switches to lower case.

Also happens with YouTube videos suddenly not working as the capitalisation is switched to lowercase in the tag.

eg. 'E4RT233W' would become 'e4rt233w' which would kill any YouTube link.

It's a 'feature' of vBulletin (which can be turned on/off by admin) to prevent people doing posts with nothing but 'SHOUTY CAPS' and numbers... :whistle:
I can go back and change them. If you need them correcting just give me a yell.:tu

Thanks Tommo I'll bear that in mind.

Certain checks are run on a post before it is uploaded to the database.

Capitalisation is one of them, which is why sometimes quoted posts suddenly lose their capitalisations etc. when your reply contains only
for example.

If a post contains only capitals or numbers, even the quoted text switched to lower case.

Also happens with YouTube videos suddenly not working as the capitalisation is switched to lowercase in the tag.

eg. 'E4RT233W' would become 'e4rt233w' which would kill any YouTube link.

It's a 'feature' of vBulletin (which can be turned on/off by admin) to prevent people doing posts with nothing but 'SHOUTY CAPS' and numbers... :whistle:

Thank you AH you certainly did as you said: ' i hElPeD...'