Posted photos no longer appearing/not loading


Gold Member
Hey all,

Something weird seems to be going on here (and it seems to be only happening to me! :mad: ).

Just a few days ago, my usual browser (Opera) stopped displaying certain photos here at UKLDF. For example, in this month's Photo Challenge poll thread, only about 25% of the photos are currently displayed, and all the rest aren't even there at all. Even in the main Photo Challenge thread for the month, they've recently just vanished (as seen in screencap). A very similar result happens with a different browser (Safari).

I definitely remember seeing all the photos while browsing earlier in the month, so what's going on? Something on my end, apparently... something I can adjust, hopefully...


  • Opera
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Hey all,

Something weird seems to be going on here (and it seems to be only happening to me! :mad: ).

Just a few days ago, my usual browser (Opera) stopped displaying certain photos here at UKLDF. For example, in this month's Photo Challenge poll thread, only about 25% of the photos are currently displayed, and all the rest aren't even there at all. Even in the main Photo Challenge thread for the month, they've recently just vanished (as seen in screencap). A very similar result happens with a different browser (Safari).

I definitely remember seeing all the photos while browsing earlier in the month, so what's going on? Something on my end, apparently... something I can adjust, hopefully...

I know that if the photo's are on the site rather than third party hosted such as via IMGbb you have to be logged on in order to see them. Assuming that is not the issue though, it could be your security settings are preventing you seeing images. To get to your security settings in Opera its :

Privacy and Security
Site Settings
Show All

It is possible when changing browsers that setting get transferred automaticaly to the new browser incorrectly.

I don't use Opera myself (I use Firefox).


Strangely enough to I have been having similar issues using Google Chrome and a Google Android device, I could view all the photos on my phone and certain members photos were missing on my pc, :confused: then one evening, I realised when trying to view Age restricted YouTube reviews of dolls, it wouldn't let me on my pc, I had already submitted my driver's license on my phone, and could watch them on that, I then noticed I had two Google accounts, one in my Real name and the other been the other me:rolleyes: when I logged into Google on the pc in the same account that is on my phone it let me view the photos.

Possibly no use at all, but someone with tech knowledge might understand.
Well, when I'm browsing here at UKLDF, I'm always logged in. :cool:

Cheers shamus for the suggestions, but the settings over here already seemed to be in order (Images > Show All was already toggled 'on').
I did add UKLDF to an 'allow insecure content' list, but it hasn't made a difference.

Well, here's a list of Photo Challenge entries I can still view:
(Maybe this can help with the tech detective work)
- Amydoll
- Serval78
- algaeholics
- Lulu1971
- Therian
- tommie987654321
- Karrot
- [mine]
- After Dark
- For Real
- PDutus
- svevo
- dollman2
- Esjayell

(which amounts to 14 out of 23, which is more like 60%, not 25% like I thought; yeah, I was never very good at math :D )
Nope -- a privacy warning screen comes up instead, in both Opera and Safari.

Something about seems to be the problem, all right; wonder if I can find a way to make my browsers accept that site.

I did used to use Firefox and Chrome as my main browsers, but moved away from them for some reason (don't remember why).
Actually don't think there are any plug-ins at the moment (took a long look throughout the prefs...).

Decided to start & update Firefox, tried loading the poll page again...
same damn trouble!! What the hell is this?!?


  • Screen Shot 2021-05-30 at 10.59.03 AM.jpg
    Screen Shot 2021-05-30 at 10.59.03 AM.jpg
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Router or ISP level filtering? Web filtering by your AntiVirus product?
Any more details on the privacy warning?
Well... it's beginning to look like my internet service provider is the culprit, since this is affecting three different browsers the same way, and no one else here at UKLDF is experiencing the same problem.

I wonder how to approach them with this, though.
it's beginning to look like my internet service provider is the culprit

It's not impossible but I'd have thought it unlikely. Try going through a vpn (any cheap free one just to test, if you don't have one).

If this solves it, then yes, point the finger at your isp, but I suspect the issue will be the same and absolve the isp

Did something happen to the 'show images' option buried near the bottom of the forum control panel 'edit options'
Ok, we've been through the basics so up a gear.

Consider what is happening. The images from a single site are not showing on your computer no matter which browser you use. Therefore logically it is either as you say your computer or your ISP that is preventing the images from showing.

I'm assuming here that your anti virus is on your machine rather than existing before your machine with your ISP.

If you have (say) Norton installed then there will be a log of things that it has prevented happening. Such as displaying images from a certain site. If you find that to be the casee then create an exeption instance for IMGbb and then going forwards it will not block IMGbb images.

To do anything like that just Google search based on your anti virus software and it will give you full intructions.

As a matter of interest, do you have an IMGbb account? If you did that in itself could create an exception with your anti virus software.

Its free, easy and very intuitive and it wouldn't even matter if you used it much so long as your machine / anti virus software recognises it as safe.


Shamus :tu
Aha -- some progress. :)

Opera's privacy error page had the term
displayed (for what it's worth).

Anyway, next I took FreddyBob's advice and tried loading UKLDF thru a VPN.
It's just a bit slower, but that did the trick! I could view all the photos again.

So, I still don't know what the hangup with is, but at least there's a workaround.
The Common Names in the certificates for and look fine to me. The images are served from a subdomain of but the CN for that is included in the Subject Alternate Name field so it should not be an issue.

I wonder if your AV product is decrypting and scanning HTTPS traffic, but isn't handling the SAN certificate properly. These scanning methods effectively "man in the middle" attack the traffic then re-encrypt to send to the browser with a new cert. If the AV only uses the CN in the Subject and doesn't include the SAN field that would explain it.