You cannot beat 83p per pair of knickers...


Gold Member
You cannot beat 83p per pair of knickers, but if you can let me know I'm always on the hunt for a bargain.




DS: Fiona I have a present for you?
Fiona: What is it DS?
DS: New knickers doyou like them?
Fiona: You cheap b@*&£#d!
They are really nice. Be careful with the darker ones. Keep checking every so often to see if they stain.. I say this as emma had some black lace top stockings and the lace part stained her legs. Ive saved the link so if they turn out to be safe I'll buy some :tu
They are really nice. Be careful with the darker ones. Keep checking every so often to see if they stain.. I say this as emma had some black lace top stockings and the lace part stained her legs. Ive saved the link so if they turn out to be safe I'll buy some :tu

Thanks I'll let you know personally if I have any issues with the dye running. I'm probably going to put my doll in a nylon body stocking permanently though as I actually prefer the feel of nylon stockings especially sheer ones than TPE they come crotchless as you know to cater to any funny business, although I've not touched her like that for two weeks now she's too easily damaged. If I get any stains in her body stocking I'll let you know.
As mentioned in the other thread, Chloe got stains from the black tags of some underwear. It is fixable just a pain. But a body stocking is good idea or you could get get some 40 denier nude tights, which will act as the "skin" and then you put sheers on top, including black. :tu
Agreed just got a clothes bundle from ebay for 20 quid I bet there is over 100 quid worth of clothes in there if I'd have bought them separately
As mentioned in the other thread, Chloe got stains from the black tags of some underwear. It is fixable just a pain. But a body stocking is good idea or you could get get some 40 denier nude tights, which will act as the "skin" and then you put sheers on top, including black. :tu

Great idea Gav I've got some 40 denier coming through the post and a leotard. I need a barrier between me and her of some sort. Cheers.
Emma got some proper bargains from ebay this week. 85 quid shoes for a pound plus postage. Unworn.. And a 245 quid dress for 40 quid with the labels on.. My ex was a twat for doin that. If you buy clothes bloody wear them :wtf
Actually I should probably retract that last comment. My girls have loads of clothes they haven't worn yet but that's my fault cos im addicted to buying them stuff :whistle:
Agreed just got a clothes bundle from ebay for 20 quid I bet there is over 100 quid worth of clothes in there if I'd have bought them separately

I bought three bundles on eBay for around £120 total back in 2016 and I've not had to buy much else even with twelve of them now living here!

I bought three bundles on eBay for around £120 total back in 2016 and I've not had to buy much else even with twelve of them now living here!

This is the best bit of posting a thread on here I get great ideas I didn't think about. I'll be onto eBay searching for a bag of clothes now myself. I'll be like a big kid with a lucky bag I love a surprise I hope I'm as lucky as you were. Cheers.
Emma got some proper bargains from ebay this week. 85 quid shoes for a pound plus postage. Unworn.. And a 245 quid dress for 40 quid with the labels on.. My ex was a twat for doin that. If you buy clothes bloody wear them :wtf

I put knickers in the pot, and get raised £85 shoes and a £245 dress. That definitely beats my knickers in the game of clothes poker, but I'll not fold I'll be onto eBay in a flash searching for a bargain like that myself highly doubtful it can be beaten though you have a Royal Flush there A&E. :D
My girls got a lovely gift today from chloe and mia valentina. Mixed box with shoes, tights, undies, make up, hair accessories. Ive got a busy weekend ahead of me trying it all on them.

"yes skye.. Ive said already you can have the shoes". Ffs. Women!!
Actually I should probably retract that last comment. My girls have loads of clothes they haven't worn yet but that's my fault cos im addicted to buying them stuff :whistle:

Such a problem, I continue to purchase things on a daily basis and now discovered another buying avenue...TK Maxx, always been a fan of this place. It's great for designer labels out of season at ridiculous markdowns, better than out of town factory outlets because of the range of labels. There's a little one nearby with another huge store not that far in other direction, not going to the big one because I won't have any money left after that trip.

Latest bargain, a Simonetta sweatshirt top probably £180 odd full price, I got it for £18. Boom.

Talking of donations the Expanding Wardrobe will be offloading some stuff soon, anyone looking for anything?
Such a problem, I continue to purchase things on a daily basis and now discovered another buying avenue...TK Maxx, always been a fan of this place. It's great for designer labels out of season at ridiculous markdowns, better than out of town factory outlets because of the range of labels. There's a little one nearby with another huge store not that far in other direction, not going to the big one because I won't have any money left after that trip.

Latest bargain, a Simonetta sweatshirt top probably £180 odd full price, I got it for £18. Boom.

Talking of donations the Expanding Wardrobe will be offloading some stuff soon, anyone looking for anything?

Jim you're worrying me I think you might need clothes rehab, but you're welcome in the game of clothes poker I like your raise. Sure I'll take a donation if your willing to give it A&E and Algaeholics have whittled my stake down to a few old chips. You're a gentleman let me know if you want to give me anything and of course I'll pay the postage.
Well im not buying my 2 anything this week. They've had loads lately.
"yes emma i have heard what im saying... I know its bollox.. Yes I'll get those things you put in my watch list. Please dont do this when im talking to the guys. I want them to believe im the boss in my house... Stop laughing please"
Gotta go guys
My girls got a lovely gift today from chloe and mia valentina. Mixed box with shoes, tights, undies, make up, hair accessories. Ive got a busy weekend ahead of me trying it all on them.

"yes skye.. Ive said already you can have the shoes". Ffs. Women!!

Now now girls, Chloe and Mia share the clothes and shoes, so you two should too. :tu hehe

Chloe got some real bargains which arrived today:


£1.75 for the ones on the right and £2.50 for the ones on the left. Then there was a discount applied of £1.06, then the postage of £7.00 lol Yay!

But now we have a bit of a problem of lots of shoes!

I don't know how you'd all do it I paid £22.99 for my first pair of high heeled boots for Fiona I feel like a right chump. I'll have to up my game :D

They're lovely boots mind you when I get the full outfit she will look amazing in them.
Most of what i buy is under a tenner. Rare i go over but sometimes i see something and that little voice in my head says mmmmm that would look lovely..
My girls have better clothes than i do. Emmas jeans are from diesel.. Mine are from tesco ffs