First attempt at dressmaking

That's some impressive sewing right there Adam, even more so on the patience scale, well done. Seriously though people will start asking you to alter their clothes, custom make outfits and fix broken favourites.

My advice would be to don't get too good and don't enjoy it too much, unless you want to ditch the tachograph and go full tailor!
My advice would be to don't get too good and don't enjoy it too much, unless you want to ditch the tachograph and go full tailor!

You speak as if there's no money in it. I'm on very friendly terms with Sara's seamstresses, and they don't do too badly at all. Getting paid to do something you find relaxing sounds like a win to me. ;)
You speak as if there's no money in it. I'm on very friendly terms with Sara's seamstresses, and they don't do too badly at all. Getting paid to do something you find relaxing sounds like a win to me. ;)

My comments included a decent level of subtle sarcasm and I was in fact actually inferring the opposite to what you think. This is why I suggested parking the truck permanently and going full time on the sewing machine...he's good, very good.
Thanks for all the comments. I can safely say it will only ever be a hobby lol. Im fine doin stuff for myself cos if it goes wrong i can bin it or start again. Making clothes for other people would stress me out too much as I'd want it to be perfect.