
So I have a little confession with this shoot….

I didn’t actually shoot it. I’ve been teaching a new student and she absolutely nailed it:drool:drool:tu:tu

Meet Samantha….my student photographer….
Yep, it's another win for dark hair! I'm biased being on the dark side myself but Amber-Louise does wear it well, especially with that hat.
Yep, it's another win for dark hair! I'm biased being on the dark side myself but Amber-Louise does wear it well, especially with that hat.

Thanks Jimpink.

I think she has now settled on the black hair. Suits her really well she thinks….I tend to agree. She has adopted the hat wearing quite quickly!!
nice pics of amber louise if you do a fast scroll of the black hair pics she has a bit of a young catherine bell vibe to her. good shooting samantha will we see more of you also?

So I have a little confession with this shoot….

I didn’t actually shoot it. I’ve been teaching a new student and she absolutely nailed it:drool:drool:tu:tu

Meet Samantha….my student photographer….

Very impressed with how well she handled the camera - both literally and metaphorically :tu:tu
I take it thats like instagram gym time in that she dresses up as if she's going to the gym, takes lots of selfies then goes straight to Stabucks completely missing out the excercise bit, lol.

Looking great matey and she has really perfected her camera pout.... One of these days you are going to come home and find her with her own youtube influencer channel.


:drool:drool:drool:drool Good Gid that is an amazing spray on outfit :tu

HAHA….very close:drool:drool

The whole outfit was bought from SHEIN. The pants are girls size 8 and the top is an XXS.

Fits her really well. I won’t leave this on her too long though…..but I just don’t want to take it off:24
