Posting Pics, Clarification & Help, please

I don't know if it works differently with different browsers but once I am logged in and open the forum in a new window I am still logged in on both:confused:

I have 'log me in each visit checked' so not sure how it works with manual log in so I was just making an assumption, sorry for confusion.

Glad you've got it sussed now Jock.
I have 'log me in each visit checked' so not sure how it works with manual log in so I was just making an assumption, sorry for confusion.

Glad you've got it sussed now Jock.

That is a good point, I probably did that years ago and forgot that I did:rolleyes:

Glad to help, Jock, any more questions feel free to ask:tu
Thank you for prompt reply, really appreciated. But you have lost me in your first sentence. What is the image icon? Where is it?

I'm not sure if anyone has said it yet, but a great way to work stuff out on the forum is to find a post like what you want to do - click the "quote" button on the bottom right of it. It'll bring their post up like when you reply, but you'll be able to see their image codes, how things are laid out, and all that stuff
I don't know if it works differently with different browsers but once I am logged in and open the forum in a new window I am still logged in on both:confused:

you have the option to stay logged in so every time you visit the forum you dont need to physically log in. you can have 20 tabs open but you wouldnt need to log in on any. those that choose to log in every time i guess would have to do so for each tab