Eyelashes glue for Silicone


Gold Excellence Member
Julia has been naughty! i told her not to rub her eyes but guess what she did? Claims hay fever!

As a result one of her eyelashes has come away on one side - just about still attached on the other side.

Trying to stick it back with eyelash glue has not been a big success (lasts about 1 day).

So should i be brave (on her behalf - after all it wont hurt me) and pull it off altogether then stick it back afresh with something that will stick it to silicone?

Or should i get some new ready glued eyelashes and try them? Or some non ready glued eyelashes and use something like Sil-Poxy?

Super glue sounds a bit permanent not not too sure about that.

Any thoughts, horror stories or better still, success stories welcome.
Acetone acts as a solvent towards superglue so superglue is not quite as permanent as you may think.

It's also useful for ungluing protestors from highways...
Interesting, i found a lot of advice about sticking to TPE but not really anything about sticking to silicone.

I don't want to be the first to find out that super glue (or acetone) dissolves silicone.
I#ve had eyelash problems forever with Kimberley and found once an eyelid has come off its really hard to reattach because it becomes very firm and hard to shape. Usually i put a new eyelash on and they go on much easier.

I've used evastick to attach eyelashes. A small coating on the lash and eyelid. leave to become tacky, then attach eyelash. Sticks immediately and hardens quite fast. Permanent though and may leave a mess if you're not careful. I wouldn't use it on a doll, only on the third party eyelid...

You have to remember, these lashes used by the girls manufacture and replacement ones you buy from shops/online are only really a temporary thing. Just like the nails. So after a few uses, they do weaken and get brittle or stiff with the glue.

Primark has a lot of lashes, they cheap, but work well and some of them look more realistic in length as well.
I've only had to reattach eyelashes once in 2 years using regular eyelash glue, and they've been good ever since. Must be a silicone thing.

Super glue will certainly do the trick, but as I found out with my first doll, it's very, very unforgiving if your motor skills aren't quite as precise as they could be, so caution required. :tu
That was helpful, thanks.

It all looks a bit tricky, perhaps she needs to keep her shades on :)
Super Glue does work on silicone, but the softer DS silicone is a little more 'greasy' so you need good quality superglue (and a fresh bottle so its not oxidized as all

I wouldnt pull the lash off completely, its much harder to stick a lash back on from fresh. I'd simply stick the loose end back down

also note Superglue can often have a vapour, so turn the iris away from the bit you are working on as the vapour can cause a clouding over the iris and would need to be removed with a cotton bud and IPA or acetone, but that can also cause issues with the eye if it reacts with the plastic of the eye......

Yup, as Mr. K says, don't remove it completely if you can help it as you have a baseline to work with.

Perhaps put a bit of greaseproof paper between the eye and the eyelash/lid whilst affixing.

I am aware that acetone will melt the plastic of WM eyes. Essentially, acetone and ABS plastics hate each other with a vengeance!
Was that a good tip to use the saucepan ? What about removing the eyeball to avoid sticking it as well ?

Sadly pulling a DS eyeball out is not a good option, getting the eye unit back in is tricky, can damage the silicone round the eye, and has a good chance to removing the eyelash again! :(

Explaining Spike

This is Spike. She's a DS167 with a Sinodoll S13 "Aurora" head which I drilled through to put a long eyebolt into the DS peg, so I could hang her up, as her feet were getting damaged even from the minimal amount of standing that she does.


Anyway, irony seems to be wasted on you lot.

The eyebolt has the unfortunate effect of making her head look pointy, which Revol was kind enough to paint over. I don't know how he did it, and he also wiped out the date stamp. In the "weapons" thread I tried to do this on the camera and only succeeded in getting the factory default, but have found the handbook and now know how to switch it off.


I was also able to open her mouth with a craft knife and found that there is an oral cavity although not advertised as such. Phil at TDH says S6, S7 and S17 have larger cavities.

Trust this explains.
Trying to stick it back with eyelash glue has not been a big success (lasts about 1 day).

Hiya Tex,

Mr Flibble (aka "Hunt the Shunt" on TDF) had success with using Micro Kristal Klear on both a TPE and Silicone doll.

Hope no one gets angry with me posting a link to a TDF:

The great thing about Micro Kristal Klear, is that if you make a mess with it (Mr Flibble made a big mess, poor Jennifer's face was all covered in the white stuff), it just peels off. It took a couple of attempts with his Silicone Piper Jessica (had to hold the eyelash in place for a good two minutes.)

Mr Flibble is such a klutz with these tasks. There was glue all over the place!

Love from Miss K,
