
It would be great if you could get replacement hands, any idea on what would be available? Ideally I'd like some in light tan, preferably with the articulated fingers but to be honest a new wired pair would do. They would need to have enough tpe at the wrist so they could screw into the skeleton just where the existing palm plate does.


Hi Arthur,

I agree that there is no after market to supply people such as ourselves who try to let these girls live forever.

Only source of spares that exists involves the death of another girl and once they arrive here, or at yours, or Tommo's, or Sams, Karrots, Adams, etc. even the basket cases are brought back to life.

I had to cut Yvettes TPE back quite far to healthy TPE when I replaced her hands. The new wooden one's are all good (as you know) but what I really need now is a TPE sleeve for her lower arm. Basically an eight inch length of light tan TPE with a hole in the middle of it just big enough to hold onto a doll skeleton.... Would stip her looking like a terminator! lol.

I can see vendors holding whole hands but legths of TPE, spare feet, replacement goosenecks, etc. It just wouldn't be cost effective for them for the amount that they would sell.
Yeah, good point Shamus and once the tpe gets very soft and tacky all you can do is cut it away as I've learned with My Rachel who will be loosing the tpe on her arms completely soon but she now resides permanently in her cyborg outfit in any case and I was planning on using that grey pipe lagging on the arm skeleton to pad it out underneath the costume so I recon she will look ok once that's done, although she may never play the piano again!
hi lucid

Picture of Melina (who Mr Flibble got from tommie987654321 ... not sure if I got the numbers right): "Welcome LucidToys"

miss k could you tell me melinas stats
(and model etc) she really is my cup of tea :whistle::whistle::whistle:


Silicone Hands by XY
miss k could you tell me melinas stats
(and model etc) she really is my cup of tea :whistle::whistle::whistle:
Hiya Sotsa,

Are you a naughty boy? I think you are! :)

I could not see Melina on Lucid's website, I think she might be out of stock. PM Lucidtoys to see if they are getting a stock any time soon.

This is Melina on the 6Ye official site (the pictures are a little naughty):

Lots of love from Miss K,

So, is it possible to order a pair of those tpe hands on your web site? I've got one gal in need of a new pair and another that would probably benefit too.

Hello Arthur1960,
Sorry for the late reply, was stuck with some major work.

I can get those hands ordered from firedoll, Not sure how will you be able to connect them.

Hi again, well as long as they have some threaded rod that is either connected to a palm plate or they are just wired to the wrist and then there's threaded rod that attaches to the skeleton then I can make them work.
Hi again, well as long as they have some threaded rod that is either connected to a palm plate or they are just wired to the wrist and then there's threaded rod that attaches to the skeleton then I can make them work.
When you get it sorted I'll send kimberleys body along to have her hands attached, with a little cheque for your time ;) :tu:tu:tu:tu
Hiya Mandos,

Hope you are well matey. Been a while. The girls all say hi. There's now a third #302 (Faun) who joined Newt and Squirrel. #160 (Wych HayZel) and #172 are all over this site like a rash. They really couldn't have hoped for a better retirement so thanks so much for letting them move in here :tu

Bugger, I had missed those pics because (1) the heads had been cropped off. and (2) they're not the known brands that they stock so I never go beyond seeing their main pics on index pages.

I really thought that they were past that.

When I spoke with them a while back I was told that the images that they used to use are actually supplied by the manufacturer (I believe Jarliet). It doesn't make it right that they are being used but it does perhaps highlight the root cause of it.

Take care matey and hope to talk soon (And any Norwegian Elves looking to retire, the door here is always open to them :D),

Shamus. :tu
OK, now I have something positive to say I can add my input to this thread:

Ok so i'll take the bait .:)

Despite the pleasant welcome, and encouragement to members to stay silent if you have nothing positive to say,

OK, now I have something positive to say I can add my input to this thread:

If you actualy read what was written :

Members are entitled to their opinion and may post if done so politely and respectfully

Self explanatory really, no one has been gagged so as not to speak out if there is something they don't like.

I often adopt the policy that if I have nothing positive to say then its best to say nothing at all, as negativity often offends and this way we keep the peace ✌️


This is the policy i adopt and it is not enforced on any other members of this site.

I just don't want to have to delete people's post if deamed derogatory or offensive, you can be critical i only ask you do it in a nice way (at least at first)

So in the post that i made with regards to

I often adopt the policy that if I have nothing positive to say then its best to say nothing at all, as negativity often offends and this way we keep the peace ✌️


So if anyone read more into that than what was actualy said then that lies with that person.

If it looks like i was implying that everyone should adopt this policy then i apologies for my wording and maybe i should have added that this only applys to me. :rolleyes:

Just trying to run an even playing field for Everyone, nothing more.

You are not the bad guy here Sam. I love you and want to have your babies, but that’s a story for another thread :o

Shamus, Algae!