Rejoined the fold!


New Member
Hi Everyone

Very long time lurker and ex-member re-joins again after long-term technical issues were solved by the admins so huge thanks to Tommo, Samurai and especially Haremlover who i have pestered mercilessly for some time now with my woes about not being able to come back to the fold so to speak! :)

As mentioned, i was the owner of a very pretty Irontech TPE doll that once belonged to Haremlover who i named Carly, i loved her to bits but unfortunately as i am a Transgender woman who found her strength decreasing through hormone medication i sadly had to give her up :(

The reason i came back (apart from UKLDF being a bit less "full on" and more fun/friendly than TDF) is that i am trying to work through some deep seated issues regarding my sexuality without going too Freudian! I am having to learn to admit to myself that my interest in dolls isn't because i cannot find a partner, (although being Trans, it is extremely difficult) but because i have a love for the "Uncanny Valley" aspect of doll ownership, a genuine adoration and affection for things that look human, but arent strictly flesh and blood...a sort of Pygmalion effect if you will.

I first noticed this in my teens when i saw the film "Wilt" for the first time when Griff Rhys Jones gets entangled with the beautiful Angelique and when i saw a segment about the first generation of Real Dolls on Bravo in the late 90's, some might remember that there was a UK distributor who advertised in the Exchange and Mart who sent you a promotional video and set of photos in return for a £5 cheque which i wish i still had!

I've owned several air girls over the years and Carly as mentioned previously, but no doll at the moment sadly, my dream girl would be a lightweight special effects type mannequin cast in foam and latex but that's way out of my price range so saving up for a used Textile Doll or Teddy Babe Deluxe, or if one of the Chinese foam dolls should one ever come up relatively cheaply, until then i collect photos of some of the beautiful dolls out there and they cheer me up for now! (including a RealDoll i saw on TDF that i have a major crush on!)

So that's my little-ish introduction just to say hi and that i'm not going anywhere...i was deeply ashamed of myself for years and had to keep this part of me secret, but a therapist and my very best friends know now and that's a major leap forward! :D

happyapples :)
I'm not going to pretend it's not a bit beyond my understanding but if it gives you some small comfort being her then welcome along and get your feet under the table.
Welcome back to the fold happyapples... Sorry, having a bit of a brain fog... I'm pretty sure that I remember the Irontech girl that you had. Wasn't she the one that had a coin shaped TPE fault on her chest that looked like something made of silicone had been against it... Hang on a sec... sure if I search I've got enough to go on to find you again...

Were you biscuitsnotbisquits?

Wow! When you were last on I only had four girls... And one of those was a Teddy babe. Things have changed here in the Shire a bit in your absence.

Anyway, welcome back and worry not, you're treated the same here as everyone else.... We take the piss out of everyone equally regardless of their race, religion, age, sexuality, pronouns or length of their ears... But not about their race, religion, age, sexuality, pronouns or length of their ears. :tu

All the best,

Indeed welcome back ;) happyapples sorry took so long to get you back on here, but we are here now.. :tu

Hope you are doing ok :)

Sam.. :bitch
Welcome back to fold :welcome

Everyone deserves to be happy in their own skin without being ashamed, so kudos for doing what's right for you.

Good luck on the search, I really hope you find the companion you're looking for :)
Welcome back to the fold happyapples... Sorry, having a bit of a brain fog... I'm pretty sure that I remember the Irontech girl that you had. Wasn't she the one that had a coin shaped TPE fault on her chest that looked like something made of silicone had been against it... Hang on a sec... sure if I search I've got enough to go on to find you again...

Were you biscuitsnotbisquits?

Wow! When you were last on I only had four girls... And one of those was a Teddy babe. Things have changed here in the Shire a bit in your absence.

Anyway, welcome back and worry not, you're treated the same here as everyone else.... We take the piss out of everyone equally regardless of their race, religion, age, sexuality, pronouns or length of their ears... But not about their race, religion, age, sexuality, pronouns or length of their ears. :tu

All the best,


Hi Shamus

Yes, that was me! :D

If they ever came alive enough to behave human, wouldn't that just make them regular people?
Are you sure about that, Mortal?

I bet Nymeria, Zemerelda and Khãnęsh
would also have something to say :p