Sticky UKLDF Award Scheme

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Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
There have been some good examples of forum members helping their fellow UKLDF members with no thought of reward or personal return. This is great and shows what a friendly forum this is.
Some years ago an unrelated forum of which I was a member had an award scheme for members who particularly went out of their way to assist others, or, for no monetary or personal gain helped those temporarily worse off than themselves. This scheme promoted a lot of goodwill between the members and helped a fair few newcomers get established.

So what I propose to run is this. If any member here on the forum thinks that another member has gone out of his or her way to do something for another member which warrants recognition then they should post a new thread to nominate that member (and explain why) in the new Awards forum which has been set up for this purpose. Any other member, or members, who agree with this nomination should then post to second the recommendation. The initial nominator and seconder should be human members, although it is fine for the dolls to join in and post a message of support once the award has been given. This is to ensure that the true benefactor is the one who receives the award.
The nomination will then be checked to ensure that everything is right and meets the award guidelines (see below). Assuming it does, a citation will be posted in the thread, and the Member issued an award to be displayed permanently in their forum signature (sig), they will also be recorded in a register of award holders which will be a sticky thread at the top of the award forum.

The guidelines are simple.
Whatever act is being nominated for an award should:
Be as a result of something openly done, through or related to this forum.
Involve a human member going the extra mile in some way for a fellow member.
Involve no monetary or other gain for the proposed recipient of an award.
Involve only human members of this forum who have a valid active user account.
Be fully in the spirit of the forum.​

Members can be nominated for any number of awards, the graphic in their sig will show the total number awarded. Only members in 'good standing' on the forum may be eligible for nomination. i.e. Not banned, or under posting moderation or censure at the time or immediately previously to consideration.

This is a lighthearted award scheme and I don't foresee any disputes, but should such a thing happen it will be discussed by the admins/mods who will make a joint decision on it.

The form of the award, to differentiate it from the other forum medals, will be a Star.
This will be called the Wetsuit Award Scheme to commemorate a well loved UKLDF Forum Member and Moderator who regularly made a point of helping and advising others but who is sadly no longer with us. I found Wetsuit's posts and the spirit in which they were posted to be very helpful in my quest to decide on the doll for me. I hope he would approve of this.

So to summarise the procedure:
01. Start a new thread in the awards forum, Use the member's name and words "award nomination" in the title.
02. Explain why, in your opinion, the member you wish to nominate deserves an award.
03. Another member or members should post to show their agreement and to second the nomination.
04. The nomination will be checked.
05. The successfully nominated member will be awarded a Star and instructions to add it to their sig.
06. Their name will be added to the register of Award winners.​

I'm happy to answer any questions, PM me and I'll reply ASAP. :)

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