Award Nomination Samurai


Golden Diamond Member
For the starter I’d like to recommend Samurai, over the time I’ve known him, he has been more than generous on sharing his knowledge and has created lengthy tutorials to assist members with various problems, not forgetting his part on helping to get the Forum back on line after the major crash. :)
Oh, nearly forgot, mines a malt...........:cool:
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I would like to second Wulfies proposal to nominate Samurai for an award. He has been very helpful to fellow members and helped me personally on a number of occasions with posting problems and suchlike. Even going so far as to comunicate personally via email. On top of that im very grateful to him for the FREE gift of hands and feet for my homemade doll. A very deserving candidate giving Scotsmen a good name (!:eek:) :D
Congratulations Samurai

Thank you Wulfie and Phil for your nomination of Samurai.

The first Wetsuit Gold Star goes to a very deserving candidate.

Samurai, for your generosity, for your services to the forum and your fellow members, you are awarded the first ever Wetsuit Gold Star.


Congratulations, a very worthy nomination.

Here's the version for your Signature, I'm assuming you'll be able to post it yourself. :D

Congratulations Sam

Well done mate. A thoroughly well deserved gong.

And a big wet slobbery kiss from me too Mr Sam.
Jen xxx
Most certainly.

Samurai! Thanks for all the help and encouragement when I first joined and support since. Kat and I appreciate all you have done for this forum.
Congratulations Mate!

No one is more deserving than you! Thanks for all your help and your dry sense of humour. You"re a great guy maybe i'll come and stay with you sometime, when i have some cash and you can teach me all about your Scottish humour. Do i need a passport to enter Scotland? Maria would love to meet you one day and show you what you have been missing!
I'm not sure how to respond to this, i'm kind of lost for words, i did see this late night and could find no words to write, this morning nothing has changed, well actually i did think of a few things but i thought i best not !@ Wulfie and Phil :whistle:.

I had just written a long speach, but deleted it.

When CT came up with this idea i thought it was a great one but did not think that id be the first to be nominated, And to be the fist to recieve The Wetsuit Award, Well i am honored and humbled to say the least.

I was very fortunate to have spoken with wetsuit on a few occassions when i first arrived here, and it was he who encouraged me to engage in this hobby i only wish he was still around.:(

But this award scheme for All the members in his memory will make sure he lives on in all off us.

Thank you to CT for comming up with this idea and to Wulfie and Phil for the nomination (ill get you back) :evil: and to all who have commented on this thread its that and the relaxed fun & freindly atmosphere that make this place simply the best doll forum on the net, its not one person but all of us who post that make this place rock ! and for that you all deserve an award.

Need to go now i have something in my eye (sniff) :o

Thank you.
