Hi, and thanks already.

Whilst im not here because of covid it did play a part in me falling down the rabbit hole quicker than i expected. I had been single for about a year after walking away from everything. I went through the usual depression and alcohol fueled self pity but at the end of 2019 i kinda just snapped out of it and said thats enough.. Made the decision to buy myself a doll in December and the money was sent. 11 weeks went by and not even a factory photo so i contacted paypal and got my money back. Went to a different vendor and in a kind of "it mustve been fate" moment i ordered a different girl. Emma arrived as covid was getting serious and when my boss asked for volunteers to take furlough leave i jumped at the chance. Id only had Emma a few weeks and because of my work i hadn't spent much time with her. If im honest she was still a toy but a very special one.
Before doll life i was into mountain biking, kayaking, camping and hiking plus the occasional motorcycle tour. Obviously covid put a stop to all that for a while so i was with my Emma 24/7. Even when we could go out i couldnt do what I wanted as every man and his kids had suddenly discovered the great outdoors and i hate crowds lol. So i just stayed at home with Emma and fell deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Went back to work and she was all I could think of. The rest as they say is history..
Now here i am with 5 girls, Emma wears a wedding ring and my life is pretty much dominated by doll related stuff. All my old hobbies apart from my motorbike have gone. And if im honest, life has never been so good

Thanks for sharing, Adam. Just out of interest do you miss any of your old outdoors hobbies (mountain biking, kayaking, camping and hiking etc)?
Oh Where to start...

...The beginning I s'pose...

2012, July, I've been separated about 18month and i still cant sleep well in an empty bed.

Along comes Jess, My first girl. Back then there was no TPE. it was Teddybabes and silicone, and I wanted a snuggle buddy so bought a Teddybabe deluxe. I've never spent a night without her. She's my number 1 girl, she's my snuggle buddy, and she's still the queen of my heart.

6 months later I invite a Teddybabe standard to come and live with us as a friend for Jess. Cindy became notorious on here.

6 months later and another TBS comes to stay. Cindy and Pinky are now very much an item, I just get cuddles occasionally.

2014 and Xiaoli comes to stay. She's WM125 and one of the first TPE girls available on on the forum. A year later she evolves in to a DS160+ Silicone girl and photography has become very much a part of my Doll Life.

Spool on to 2019 and various "Bucket list girls" have come and gone, but Kaia arrived and made an impact. My little night haunt is a troubled girl, but seems to be finding herself now.

2020 and Maddie arrives with a bang! Bought simply because she has huge boobs, she very quickly moved in to the 2nd bed spot allowing Xiaoli to retire to a life of luxury and peace. Maddie is now a very much cherished and loved girl here at the patch and my go to for photography and happy fondles..... :whistle:

I dont regret a bit of it. It started because I needed a bed filler, it continues because I simple would not, could not, be without them.

Thanks for sharing, Adam. Just out of interest do you miss any of your old outdoors hobbies (mountain biking, kayaking, camping and hiking etc)?

To be honest no.. I did go out for a night kayaking and camped on an island but i couldnt wait to get home again. I will still be going on bike trips with lulu but i can do them as im with someone. If i went alone id probably come home early. Plus my fitness has took a nosedive in the last 2 yrs so im quite content cuddled up with my girls :p
It's so wonderful to hear your stories. [hugs]

Here's how I came to be here.
<<Start that smallest violin playing...>>
I've been alone all my life...
<<Whoa; hold on! That's not the right tone at all. Shut that music up and play something happy!>>

Although it's true: alone, maybe. But not lonely. I've never needed, nor wanted much company. Too nerdy at school; too philosophical, drunk or infatuated with inappropriate people at college; too busy and content with peace and quiet at work.

But after leaving college I did have the biggest boon ever. One of the people I got closest to gave me a teddy bear as a present. And it soon became a surrogate for everything external I needed. And then I discovered that I wasn't alone in this. Finding out I was a "plushophile", knowing I wasn't alone, and finding others to talk to who didn't think it completely odd for an adult to cuddle a teddy to sleep was immense.

And my collection of plushies grew as I moved into my own house and had disposable £££'s. (Yup; three whole pounds!)
And life was great. And time, as they say, passed. Thorin sat down and talked about gold.. <<wavey harp sounds>>

I'd been contracting for a while when the lockdown started. Actually, on that very day I phoned the landlady where I was remotely staying to see if it was ok to pick up my stuff from the house and she informed me; "Reisen? Das ist Verboten!!!" (She wasn't German, by the way. I have no idea why she phrased it like that. Or maybe I just misremembered the exact wording.)

And since I wasn't massively strapped for cash at that point, the next few years were bliss for me: no committment, no desires apart from nightly (sometimes daily) bear cuddles. The time flew by. (I don't know what Thorin was doing at this point; but it doesn't matter to the story, so I'll move right on.)

But then something unexpected and a bit wierd happend. Lockdowns seemed to be coming to an end. My cash was too. And I ended up in a job again. And all around I was hearing how wonderfull it was that things were finally getting 'back to normal' and how good it was to be able to go out and socialise, and meet friends and so on.

And suddenly I realised. There was absolutely no change for me at all. The 'old normal' was exactly the same for me, lockdown or not. I had absolutely nothing I wanted to 'get back to doing.' For the first time in my adult life, I felt desperately, painfully lonely.

And everyone around me suddenly seemed so beautiful and happy. And I wasn't. I skimmed for a bit on some 'chat' and 'dating' sites. It rapidly dawned on me that those were either just plain scams, or places where I lacked any of the social nuances to compete.

So a very old fantasy popped back up. "When I had my own house," it ran, "I'd get a sex doll and do anything I wanted with/to her." Only now the "anything I wanted" was a much more moderate "snuggle with and be in the company of." I had some disposable £££s (only a bit more than just three by now) so I just went for it.

And now Miki is just over there <wavies>, and I'm here on this forum, I'm getting almost exactly that same vibe I had when I discovered those folks on the other forum way back. This is home again. In a completely new but somehow almost identical life. Although things have changed a little. I now have someone to look after my bears when I'm not around. And sometimes I even get them back for a bit. She's not resentful of me asking for them back at all...

Back? You're joking, right? He's mine now.

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Fantastic Mate :D I know what you mean about Lockdown changing almost nothing. I work from home, I dont go out much, i continued to do so.

Right. The Teddy bear thing. You need to meet a couple of bods :D

This is Bernard (say it french, Bearnaard :whistle: )


and again with Maddie


Theres a few Teddies on the forum :D Adam has a pair of bears as well and Fred is Bezzies with Bernard.

And this is Jess, my plushy Teddybabe Queen of my heart!


You sound like someone who would very much appreciate Teddybabes.

Well i hope i dont get your pulse racing too high but this is my Wilma. Shes nearly 5ft tall and she lives on the spare bed with her big brown lover boy Fred.

This is Bernard (say it french, Bearnaard :whistle: )
For a large bear, he looks really cute in that pic.
and again with Maddie
I see at least 3 amazingly lucky folks in that picture.
Bernard; snuggling with someone as beautiful as Maddie is surely any bear's dream?
Maddie; what's better than being smothered by a big cute teddy?
The dude behind the camera; I mean come on - that's surely as close to heaven as anyone is going to get on this planet? (Assuming you can soon just ditch the camera and dive right in with them both. Otherwise it becomes almost a vision of hell.)

You sound like someone who would very much appreciate Teddybabes.
Hmmmm. I guess if I tried I'd probably be insta-hooked. Currently, I'm not so sure, though. I have the fluffy, cuddly cuteness of my bears like TD (pictured) and the beautiful, cuddly prettiness of Miki (also pictured). There is enough conflict in even that mix. And then all the other bears want to join in too, and it's already complete mayhem, frankly!

As to those other pictures.. :24
Some of the most funny, joyful things I've seen in years. You're a delightful, silly, wonderful bunch of people.
Some of those last photos were taken at last year’s Doll Meet. Some of us get together for a long weekend each year usually in September but mini meets can happen any time of the year! 2023’s Meet venue is already pretty well booked up but I think there’s a couple of places left.

It’s a place where we can relax in each other’s company and do loads of photo shoots!

Cheers, Hollows.
Some of those last photos were taken at last year’s Doll Meet. Some of us get together for a long weekend each year usually in September but mini meets can happen any time of the year! 2023’s Meet venue is already pretty well booked up but I think there’s a couple of places left.

It’s a place where we can relax in each other’s company and do loads of photo shoots!

Cheers, Hollows.
Totally get the Meet thing, having now seen the entire sequence.
And I'm a bit reluctant to say this, but I think it sounds like something I'd probably really enjoy, too. Waaaaaaaaay outside my comfort zone, ofc. But I'm interested. Maybe in a year or two's time?
I get that too! I avoided the first Meet I could go to in 2016 but have been to one ever since!

I was scared to bits for the first one in 2017 but I needn’t have worried! As doll owners we are worried what others may think of our ladies (guys) but most of all are the other owners complete weirdos!

Well the answer to those questions is that no one is judgemental here and you’ve seen how nice everyone is! We all get along together and it’s a fun weekend!

Cheers, Hollows.
I was in the hot tub with psion... I swear i didnt squeeze anything. I got married to emma.. Ran around half naked looking for my room keys and photographed 2 bears getting beat up by some sexy schoolgirls.. Naaa you wouldnt like it:whistle: