New Member

One of Kimbers best design points is that she used the same head connection as the other big manufacturers, so you can change her hers over to something else if you have a different face you'd prefer.

Welcome cheshireman :welcome

Please don't give up on your lovely new girlfriend just yet! My first doll was a Kimber and when she arrived I could not lift the box all at once and had to slide it up the stairs into the apartment. I struggled with her and had to roll her out of the box having slid it up onto the bed. It takes time and practice to learn how to lift a doll; bear hug and bridal carry are good ways, as their weight isn't evenly distributed around the body. I also started some very basic weight training, just 30 reps with 1.5kg hand weights every day before breakfast.

A year later, despite being nearly 58 and not that fit, I can move Azrael (WM174G) around by bridal carry, and she weighs more at 45kg than Kim does in the box (40kg)! When I bought a new body for Kim I just lifted the box and carried it up the stairs! I can also cuddle the 45kg doll on my lap.

We can get used to the weight; it just takes time and practice :tu
:welcome Cheshireman. I second the Living Tribunal. Give it a bit of time. Lifting, carrying, and posing them does take some getting used to. It's more technique than strength as they are a dead weight.

I remember the arrival of my first (advertised at 32kg and in actuality is 38kg). Adrenaline on the first day boosted me so much I had no trouble, but I struggled a bit after that, until I simply kept doing it and got used to it. I still stumble sometimes when carrying them (especially upstairs) but once they get under your skin, that's it/ There's no letting them go. Good luck :tu

:welcome Cheshire man, as someone who has 2 Kimbers and a lot of others and about 6 over 40kg which 2 of them 45/50kg both 6ye and I am 65/ 68kg I have had to adapt to picking them up and it does get easier. There is always a torso to consider as I have 5 ranging from 16 to 28kg including a silicone, 2 weightier than a fullsize.
As the others have said take your time and try different ways as if all were Kimber weight we'd all be happy.
Indiana and Kate I bearhug from room to room, when Kate came took me an hour to take up 3 flights of stairs which 1 1/2 flights box broke so had to bearhug up, absolutely shattered after that. Let her settle in and see
Super light weight options are TeddyBabes (plush cloth dolls), Ex-Lite foam dolls, SeeDree foam Dolls, and Happy Dolls (Cloth body, cloth anime or silicone realistic head).

Foamies have the issue of splitting, cloth dolls have the drawback of being unrealistic, but they each have their charms as well, depending on what you want from them.

What would be a good replacement?

Happy Dolls' reduced realism is a visual phenomenon. Dress them up and turn the lights down!

Less maintenance than TPE and only 16 Kg.
:welcome to the forum Cheshireman.

I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble connecting with your Kimber doll. Perhaps when you get to know each other better, her wait may become less of a bother. As others have already pointed out, there is a learning curve to learn how to move these dolls about without hurting your self or the doll.

Thanks harleyman and to all those members who are offering me good advice. I do read them all and this is a great community and forum.