First step


Active Member
Hi, new member here
I've been following this friendly forum for several weeks and have found it to be a mine of information along with opening up a world that I never knew existed before my life circumstances changed late last year.
I'm not yet in a position to invest in a doll, which is probably for the best, as I've discovered there is a vast population to choose from, along with a vast variation of prices, and alas, a few "dodgy" suppliers.
Having said that, I'm sure the very knowledgeable folk here can help in that regard.
Anyway, I know I'll be a regular visitor here so be ready for lots of questions!
Hang on, Shamus is starting to run down, lemme get the big key to wind him up again.....

:welcome to the mad house :D

Welcome to the Loony bin:D

Hopefully Karrot won't wind Shamus up too much or he'll be in full flow:cool:

I wound him up AND put 50p in the meter! :eek::eek::eek:

He "robot smashed" his way through the wall and wobbled off to the local Boozarama for some high quality red wine in screw top bottles. I'm sure he'll be fine when he gets back :whistle::whistle:

Thanks for the friendly welcomes.
I'm confused when I see that dolls can have replaceable heads. Does this mean there will be a visible join, and how does it fix in place.
My budget is very flexible and I've seen several on lucidtoys that "float my boat" and I would also be able to visit their premises to look at the girl before I buy, subject to a £50 deposit.
I only hope I can replicate some of the wonderful poses I some of the girls in here.
Thanks for the friendly welcomes.
I'm confused when I see that dolls can have replaceable heads. Does this mean there will be a visible join, and how does it fix in place.

The heads are connected generally with an M16 grub bolt between the head and the body. There is a join but in moost cases the TPE at the base of the head overlaps the TPE at the top of the neck so its not as though there is a gap there... As I say, in most cases. There are occassions where the neck / body designs do not match up. I've had that with a Doll Forever head on an SM body. I notice it but many others would not.

I'll dig out a pic so you can see what the join is like most of the time.

If you're worried about the neck join it's quite easy to cover by having something worn around the neck - Shiori's pink scarf looking thing is a headband just doubled up around the neck.
Hi Locoman!

I'm pretty new here too, and I have to say; they don't bite. A wonderful bunch of people so far.

I have many of the same questions you'll ask. And the reverse.

Just wanted to say 'hi'.
I agree with what’s been said already! The neck joint does show when you look closely but knowing that pose photos can easily be taken so it doesn’t show. As far as falling for her, it makes no difference at all!

There are some manufacturers that have seamless heads, like Piper Doll, but those heads are very different. My Piper Doll’s face sort of hangs off the top part of the head frame so you have to hold the top of the head to turn it. The face is quite squishy and very different to other dolls I have.

The advantage of being able to remove the head is that it makes it so much easier to dress them! Although the skeletons have joints mostly in the right places to replicate a human body there are limitations and getting dressed can be a struggle sometimes but also you don’t want to stretch the underarm ‘flesh’ too much too often or tears can occur.

My Piper is definitely the hardest to dress because her head doesn’t come off!

Cheers, Hollows.
Hi Ceb, nice to meet a fellow newbie
Hey again. <wavies/>
Oh, I have loads of newbie questions to ask for both of us. I'll start at the weekend, probably; I'm trying to find a format that makes them a little bit useful to others too, hopefully.
of course, when the buggers look at you like this...

picture.php totally fail to see the neck join (which is visible and un-edited in this pic)

You totally fail to see the neck join (which is visible and un-edited in this pic)
You.. Totally...

What where was I now?

You tatollyerly fails to smmmmmm.

I titterly failed to see... No hold on; I've got this.

I've utterly understood the premise of this post and its underlying subtext of using female anatomy as a reason for posting pictures of the opposite sex as a way to represent that form in a humorous and enlightening way.
of course, when the buggers look at you like this...

picture.php totally fail to see the neck join (which is visible and un-edited in this pic)


....and to think I thought dolls were like the dodgy ones Del Boy had on Fools and Horses
....and to think I thought dolls were like the dodgy ones Del Boy had on Fools and Horses

Nope :D not these days. Get one, dress them in some everyday regular clothes, and you'll look past any little things like a neck join (or the fact that she's wearing stockings on her hands for protection..... you missed it didnt you :D )
