New custodian




TPE and Cornflour.

TPE, Cornflour and a fanatical devotion to Jinsan. Those are our main weapons.

TPE, Cornflour, a fanatical devotion to Jinsan, and oily butt prints on walls! Those are our main weapons.

It's taken him nearly 5 years to post just those 6 words, so expect a reply towards the end of the decade :21


I can't remember if it was this forum, or another one I tried to join, but my membership was pending for months/years !

I was doing a spot of housekeeping, noticed my old login details and wondered if they worked yet or not, tried them and viola, I'm in !

Noticed a Torso for sale within my budget, so got that.

Then saw that LucidToys was having a sale, so got a head for it.

Torso arrived, and whilst it looks like it will be a lot easier to fit in a wardrobe without legs, I do rather miss legs..

Then noticed they had some bodies on sale too..

So, got one of those, and a head to go with it. ( Awaiting delivery. )

Since I already had a DS Ex-Lite, now I will have 3..

But only really room for one !

Or maybe 2 if one lives in the wardrobe. :-)

Be interesting to see the difference between Silicone and TPE.

So the DS Ex-Lite will be up for sale soon I imagine, otherwise there won't be any room on my bed to sleep !

Not sure yet if I want 2, since planning on moving soon, so the less stuff to move the better.

2 is possible, but I would have to install a lock on the wardrobe to stop anyone peeking, and I'd have to create a lockable box for under the bed, again to stop any visitors making a discovery.

At the moment the DS Ex-Lite lives in a lockable cupboard up high, but at only 8kg isn't a problem putting it there, but the new arrivals are +25kg ( One advert says 28kg, one says 25kg for the same model, so unsure which it will be, maybe its 25kg without the head, and 28g with the head.. ), and I'm not strong enough yet to lift them up there !
Hi and Welcome.

If you have been sat pending registration then that will not be on this forum, we except or reject applications on a daily basis, they are generally all cleared by the end of play the same day. We have various checks in place to look through applications firstly then lastly done manually, your either excepted or rejected, you should have received an email stating your account was setup on the site. It definitely works because I get the forum feedback from those that reply.

Anyhow enjoy the site now you're able to login.:tu

Hi AJ,

I'm confused. (Not difficult). The line "Be interesting to see the difference between Silicone and TPE".

I know that the ex lite is foam, and I'm assuming that the full body girl from Lucid is TPE? (Which one did you buy?).

So is the torso Silicone?

Just be careful having TPE and Silicone together as the materials can react badly with each other.

Hope that you really like your new harem,

You could always lock the entire inside door rather than the wardrobe. I fitted these as they leave a very small footprint :,aps,75&sr=8-47

There is a bit of precise measuring and the right drill bits to fittng them but then, if I can manage it anyone can.

All the best,

:welcome to the forum. I hope you like your new girls, and we look forward to seeing some photos when they arrive :tu