
Hello everyone new to this forum just joined


Geddit... Bah Humbug... I'm wasted on this crowd :21

Welcome to the forum HUmbug. great to have you on board. So, have you got someone special already or just on the lookout for that one who needs to be in your life?

Look forwards to chatting.

All the best,

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Hi Humbug, welcome to the forum and feel free to join in the fun while you decide on your future lady...or show us photos if you already have her:tu
Thankyou for the welcome yes I have one doll that I have just received yesterday she is a Zelex 170 new model and I have another one on order however when I removed her from the box I strained my back she is way too heavy for me to handle so she will have to be up for sale soon she will be an absolute bargain!
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:welcome Humbug, niceto have you in the best Dollforum. Nice looking Girls you find on my Site / Page " Harleyhahns Greatest Girls". Come and enjoy:drool
Hello Humbug and welcome :welcome

It's unfortunate that you need to sell so soon after buying :( One can get used to the weight and learn how to handle them to make it easier; though having already strained your back, perhaps a luxury doll isn't for you.

However if you do sell your doll, but still want to have a doll at all, please ask the forum for advice on the less weighty girls; plushies, Kimbers, and so on.
Hello Humbug and welcome :welcome

It's unfortunate that you need to sell so soon after buying :( One can get used to the weight and learn how to handle them to make it easier; though having already strained your back, perhaps a luxury doll isn't for you.

However if you do sell your doll, but still want to have a doll at all, please ask the forum for advice on the less weighty girls; plushies, Kimbers, and so on.

Thankyou for your advice regards another doll in fact I have had a few dolls before that have been much lighter this one was a total mistake for me and will cost me a big loss :(:wall
However I have got another doll on order as we speak that I purchased at the same time hopefully that will be better for me