Thinking of joining the owners club. Here to learn

First Encounter


And Right foot. Both doing a little discordant dance
Well that's a story if told, also found out the shipping dates with the pictures.
Slow boat:(
Oh, well. Will have to do a bit of shopping to help take my mind off the waiting time:)
There are so many things to buy in advance. Makeup brushes, cotton buds, baby oil and powder. That will keep you busy until she arrives :)

Hello!.... HELLOooooo!!!

Where've you all gone???

My box is just there.... Just there.... If you help me down I could walk to it...

C'mon. stop it... You know I can't get down from here.

Looks as though the wee sweetie needs saving matey.

Sure that she'll make it accross to her box... And more importantly her nice warm blankie... in the morning.

Looking gorgeous.

All the best,

Shamus. :tu
Yes. It is a bit like having a new addition to the family. Thank God she wont need diapers:)
Only joking. Think the wine is doing its thing

So once again in total agreement with you Andyman
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Thanks Shamus. That's one of the problems with little legs. The floor is further to reach, who knows where one might bounce , with so much plump rubber at play, means those simple judgments are hard to make

Yes she does come across as a little plump and curvaceous.
All the better for snugging up with
Tease Worm


The story of the Tease Worm. Just for fun!

First got to be acquainted with our wiggly friend waking up after a strange dream and used it to help create something I had been working on. Inspiration from an unknowable source I guess. Once I got to know him better, he explained how he has always been with me and is part of a universal force that is working with want, wait and sentient minds. Whenever I want something, it is his voice that plays with my mind. He is a Tease Worm

This worm comes from a planet around the rim of a black hole in Cygnus X. This inhabited sphere is just far enough away not to fall into its orbital embrace. This causes great disquiet and annoyance to the hole. This never ending tease has given the planets creatures a special ability, so that they can latch on and change dreams in troubled minds anywhere in the universe, and inject this input into our realm and mess with our thoughts.

So why my profile picture and why is it here now? Its all symbolic. As I wait and agonise the arrival of my girl. The worm manifests. The more I see your girls, the larger and more powerful the worm-infestations become. Hopefully once my girl gets here, I can replace his image with that of an angel, till then I just have to hold on:)
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