The Naughty Flirt In The Racy Shirt


Gold Member
(presenting a risqué role-play-type story, starring Jayna!)
Curtains open,

There was a new kind of attitude I sensed about my girlfriend as I dropped by to visit.
She was wearing this cheeky new black t-shirt, which said:

W E L L L L, now! Her endearing smile materialized along with a frisky glint in her eyes. No doubt she knew I'd notice the shirt's message, and it would prompt me to say something... or even more, beyond that. So, playing the skeptical "customer", I said something along the lines of needing a demonstration.

"A demonstration, you ask? Mmmmm, well; just come in closer..."

My heartbeat stepped up its rhythm noticeably as I advanced, and eased down, bringing my face close to hers. A pressure built up right under my face, a tension stronger than any I'd felt before around her. Wow! Was I turning red? Her eyes had already closed, though; my sight blurred as my own eyes began to close... but not before her soft, ample orbs nearly spilled into my view; and my line of sight automatically went from her pretty red lips straight down to her cleavage!

Ohhhhhhhh, MAN! I always knew she was really well-endowed for her size, but moving in so close as I was this time, it suddenly felt like a wild mixture of apprehension and incredible fun! OH, YES! Would those soft, ample mounds of hers press onto my chest as we kiss, their contact blocked only by our shirts? Well -- why not? We're this close already; and at that point the inner male effectively said "Get in there, man. She wants it! Go on, and kiss your beautiful girlfriend!"

Kissssss... lips contact! Ohhhh, mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmm! CHEST CONTACT -- YES! She is GOOD; and she likes it too! Hearts pound, skins electrify! WWWOWWW!

After what seemed like a whole minute of intimate, excited magic, she eased back, brushing a bit of hair from around her eyes.

It suddenly struck me that she's never been this frisky with me before. Is she really in "the mood"? Or just teasing me and playing around? What's going on here -- could it even be some kind of relationship test? Fresh off that great kiss, I was at a loss for words, but enjoying it immensely -- whatever "it" was.

With our eyes locked, and our smiles matching each other's, she slouched down upon the chair, looking at me with right satisfaction. At that moment, to me, she looked so gorgeous and precious, and I realized how insanely lucky I was to have her as my girlfriend.

"Would you turn around for a minute?" she quietly asked. Sure, okay -- whatever "it" is, I'm playing along. What could happen? She might run out of the room behind my back, or playfully sneak up behind me, or just sit there, watching my back, and see for her own amusement how long it'd take me to turn around again. So I turned away from this achingly beautiful little babe, and faced the bookcase on the opposite wall.

Of course, I was still listening for clues as to what she might be doing. There were sounds of her shifting around in the chair, as I expected. Neither of us were saying anything, but with the excitement of the kiss still filling me, a sudden impulse to be "frisky" myself took hold. I grinned as I turned back to face her... but she was no longer looking at me. She was slowly lifting her t-shirt up, and in that same instant, I also realized ohmyGODNOPANTIES!!!!!

DOUBLE-shock!! She was STRIPPING?!? Right here, right now, for ME?!! As my heart jolted, and my face-pressure blew up again, I must have uttered some involuntary "haoh!". Having heard whatever that was -- and probably expecting some reaction like it all this time -- she stopped where she was with the t-shirt lift, and chuckled softly. I started back to her, slowly circling around, taking in the luscious view, all the while amazed beyond belief.

"Like what you see?" she asked. Now it was my turn to chuckle. Could I touch her? Her layered brown hair cascaded down, down to those choice! -- firm! -- round! -- young! BUNS!! My palms began to ache, yearning to match each glorious, fully bare curve. They were right THERE! Bared for me, they MUST be! This can't be some kind of tease anymore!

Her hands were slowly kneading the front of her t-shirt. I could plainly see the top and the underside, but across the middle, those big bouncy treats of hers were still deftly covered! Ohhhhhhhh, what a temptress, playing it like a pro, she was.
Her head tilted toward me, and her sweet smile was still there. It was the perfect moment for another good, long, lingering kiss.

Ohhhhhhhh: kisssssssssss, sssssoft... but fortified with the strength of real desire... our sexual urges activated... wild waves welling up from deep inside!!

She could surely sense the manly strength in my hands as I eased one down her bare back, rounded that big curve, and settled onto one of those big, choice buns -- and as my fingers gripped and pressed in DEEP and TIGHT!! NNNNGGGHHH!!
I just about shot off right there!! Just LOOK at the CURVES on that HOT LITTLE CHICK!!!

What a LUSCIOUS, SEXY BODY!! What an absolute BABE!! What a... ................................wha...?

To me, it just felt like a really long, slow-motion blink; but I found myself sitting on the floor, regaining my bearings. I had blanked out? What?!? I NEVER blank out! How long? It couldn't have been long.
She may not have even noticed whatever just happened to me, but apparently, she had just finished removing that t-shirt. Still playing for all its worth, she held its back side up for me to see.

"Would you still kiss my lips if they were lime green?" she asked coyly.
Ohhhh, baby... in this crazy delirium, I'd kiss anything of yours you asked me to!!
The message on that low-cut t-shirt of hers ended up being such an understatement. This babe's "lip service", at least to me -- lucky, lucky me -- went beyond good, beyond great, even. What's the word for it, then?


-- the end --
Thanks Zang, a great story topped off with glorious pics of the beautiful Jayna. Excellent :tu:b:b:tu

I can only describe this pic as 'Byoink!' as thats the sound made by both my eyes popping out of my head Warner Bros style, and also the sound made er...elsewhere!

Once again, beautiful pictures of a gorgeous plushy lady, and this tme a story to boot!



Wow what a lucky guy you are Zang! What a hottie Jayna is and what a great story. She has a great little chunky bottom like Maria, yummy!
Very nicely done Zang, great story, I loved the natural pictures and poses.
Goes to show the versatility of the closed eye look too. :b Well done all round.
Jayna sure is a babe. :drool :tu

Great set Zang. Jayna's looking lovely and sooooo sexy. Fabulous use of the closed eyelids look for other than just sleeping. Have you enhanced Jayna's lips with some shadow lines? They look great.
Thank you, thank you, my friends! I wasn't sure a nice, upscale theatre like the Old Kemble (is that it in the youtube link? ;) ) would feature a burlesque show, but I guess all one had to do was ask.

Jensguy, if by "shadow lines" you mean the black line that defines the mouth, that's been a feature of Jessica-model lips all along. In my experience, they all come that way. I think the same is true for the other babes that have red lips, but for some odd reason, it doesn't seem to be present on the babes that have pink lips. If a "mouth accent line" isn't there, one can be drawn upon the lips with a technical ink pen, or by using black acrylic paint and the thinnest of paintbrushes.

Oh, and by the way -- Jayna and I were wondering if any of you got scolded or slapped for peering into your screens a bit too closely during the show. We hope not, but we know such reprimands happen quite often over there! :p :p
No reprimands here, I just turned his face to mine at the end and said 'better not waste that....' :D

What a doll!

Kat chided me a bit but, looking over my shoulder, she agrees Jayna is so lovely and the shots are all so tasteful. What a beautiful face she has!
Mr Kats can look - but is all. Jayna is very very nice but Mr Kats know rules of our relationship!
But these pictures I am liking - is not porn but glamour and show how beautiful is lovely Jayna.