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Hi all, this made me smile when i thought of it, TPE on its own isn't unpleasent but not very femanine, i know i could put perfumes on the hair to make it better but whats really missing is what could i put down her knickers to make her smell more like a breather, smell is an important sence to the whole experience, remember we have to keep it decent now on this forum when you answer
Now, I would be the opposit way. For me to be interested in a woman now I would be looking to buy her a bottle of Eau de TPE.

Personally I must be so covered in the stuff that I could stand very still in the middle of the Jinsan factory and by smell alone they would never know that I was there.

Remember with TPE that there are two oils. the mineral oil that they are created with and the finishing oil that is burnt off to smooth their skin. Sometimes the remains of that latter oil can smell a bit bad for a couple of weeks after they arrive but washing and powdering soon leaves just the lovely stuff.
Are you saying that you rub your girls up and down with scampi fries Ava :21:24

Just add beer shampoo and you've got the full night out experience. :24

Hi all, i like the idea of scampi fries, they can be eaten afterwards, going to investigate something i saw online yesterday called Volva scent, also i'm going to look at Pubic wigs to add to the visual effect, it's all trial and error adds to the excitment
My place used to reek of tpe. My brother said he could smell it as soon as he walked in the front door. Now i cant smell it at all which im gutted about as i love it.
You've gone Nose Blind. Everyone else can still smell it because they don't live with it. The only cure is total abstinence for a month, eg. put them all in the shed, bring them out end July. :whistle:
That's true though. Occasionally I walk into the bedroom and get a waft. Most of the time I just don't notice at all.
You've gone Nose Blind. Everyone else can still smell it because they don't live with it. The only cure is total abstinence for a month, eg. put them all in the shed, bring them out end July. :whistle:

Um.. Yeah... Never gonna happen :24. I think we all know I'd go in a box before my girls :21
Hope you're well jock
Hi all, i like the idea of scampi fries, they can be eaten afterwards, going to investigate something i saw online yesterday called Volva scent, also i'm going to look at Pubic wigs to add to the visual effect, it's all trial and error adds to the excitment

That scent pops up from time to time. Never had a whiff so cant say if it smells right or not.

As for Pubic Wigs, Phil at The-Doll-House Dot Com sells them for a reasonable price. Or you can go with something from the merkin store (google it). They are way more expensive but also a lot thicker and once brushed out can be trimmed yo your liking.

PVA glue is best for attaching. requires very little, but takes about 24 hours to cure. Once attached it wont come off unless you soak it in water.

The elfs like to put Fart bombs in their pants for the few times I have felt a bit fruity. It really works to get rid of any TPE smells.
Hi all, the Vulva scent came through today, forget putting it on the doll, although no damage was scene on a test TPE piece, it really needs the warmth of the human body to excentuate it, just a small roll of the applicator on the back of your hand is enough and what a beautiful smell it is, just like a real woman would smell between the legs when aroused, brings back some wonderful memories, and makes enjoying your doll just that bit more real