
My brother has one of the Girlfriend range dolls from Lucid and he is happy with her :)

You might want to rethink that one.

40kg (48kg boxed) if a serious heavyweight for a first girl.

Try to find the look and shape of girl that you want at around 28-35kg.

The one I mentioned before (SM 155D) is quite skinny but with boobs. Skinny arms and legs keep the weight down but not everyone wants girls that shape.

Thinking about it, 40kg does seem a lot for a 153cm girl and she doesn't look like a lardy arse so might be woprth getting a confirmation on the weight on that one.

If she really is 40kg then I would avoid but if she's closer to 30kg then all good.

Personally I would stick with known brands.

Soulmate = SM
Allure = 6YE
Sugarbabe = Aeshira (JY, AF, AS)
Racy = Irontech


Welcome to the forum. I have one of the Soul Mate dolls from Lucid. Although she arrived with compression marks from badly secured packaging for the money I paid and speed she arrived I can't complain. I was also given a discount for mentioning I was a forum member. I'd buy another doll from them if they ever re stock the one I want.

At 40kg she's what I'd class as rather heavy for a first doll.
You might want to rethink that one.

40kg (48kg boxed) if a serious heavyweight for a first girl.

Try to find the look and shape of girl that you want at around 28-35kg.

The one I mentioned before (SM 155D) is quite skinny but with boobs. Skinny arms and legs keep the weight down but not everyone wants girls that shape.

Thinking about it, 40kg does seem a lot for a 153cm girl and she doesn't look like a lardy arse so might be woprth getting a confirmation on the weight on that one.

If she really is 40kg then I would avoid but if she's closer to 30kg then all good.

Personally I would stick with known brands.

Soulmate = SM
Allure = 6YE
Sugarbabe = Aeshira (JY, AF, AS)
Racy = Irontech



Yes heavy girl indeed only option leave her in bed :24

that could work :D
Yes heavy girl indeed only option leave her in bed :24

that could work :D

Just got this vision of dropping a 40kg girl into my bed... It would probably be the final straw in the game of kerplunk I'm playing with my bedroom floorboards... Lol. She's in the bedroom... No, wait, she's in the living room :21
Just got this vision of dropping a 40kg girl into my bed... It would probably be the final straw in the game of kerplunk I'm playing with my bedroom floorboards... Lol. She's in the bedroom... No, wait, she's in the living room :21

hang on though would that not be exiting dropping in on you :D especially if she landed a certain way :21
My Maddie (WM 158) is 43KG. She Chonk! She Lovely Chonk! Very similar to the girl you linked.

I'm built like a Tolkien Dwarf which helps, but 43KG in real money is 6 & 3/4 stone.

Think about this. Your going to be moving around a 6 stone girl who is not going to give you one ounce of help.

Im not qualified to say "You dont want that one", Im not you, but think seriously about the weight. If you go for it be prepared for the weight, for the aching muscles, and for the learning curve of how to move her properly and safely. We see a lot of first timers selling their first doll on with "Unused - I cant handle the weight"

All we can do is advise, the decision in the end is yours, but if you want a butt like this on your bed


You're going to have to accept the weight that comes with it

Thanks everyone for your messages. Reading everyone....yeah deffo been looking into the weight situation

Never actually seen one in real life aswell. Shame can't get to see some of your dolls in person, that would be great to see and how they actually feel and weight on them

Never realised how difficult it is to make the right choice :wall
Suggest you find a regular poster in your geographic area and PM them to ask if you can visit and try a lift. Better than spending circa £500-£1000 on something that ends in "for sale" column a week later.
Suggest you find a regular poster in your geographic area and PM them to ask if you can visit and try a lift. Better than spending circa £500-£1000 on something that ends in "for sale" column a week later.

Hi Jock,

I don't think that there are many of us so accomodating to open our doors to strangers. Only four long standing members have ever set foot in the Shire home for wayward Elves (Psion, Adam, Lulu and Samurai).

Some others such as your good self would be welcome if the opportunity arose but its never going to be an open door policy.

The key is that the people that you invite along would never dream to try and lift one of your girls. Its just not the done thing. But thats exactly what a newbie needs. To touch, to prod, to lift, to look at bits that my girls would never dream of showing anyone.

Its not that I'm mean to newbies. I think that I offer more support than many. Its just that I am VERY! protective over my girls

Maybe a better approach might be for newbies to go to B&Q and try to lift 4 10kg bags of sand at the same time.... And then pour oil over them and try to carry them upstairs :21 :24
There are (slightly) cheaper dolls available from such as ebay and Alliexpress etc but they are either terrible quality or very mis-described, also customer service is likely to be at best dreadful- to non existent.

why not get a Torso with head first like me I have 2 and a spare head to switch over - remember apart from the huge weight and difficulty to move them around the legs and arms get in the way - and Torso is really easy to pick up and move around :)

of cause later on you could still get a full body the heads from Torso will fit the full body making it so easy to upgrade later on :tu
I don't think that there are many of us so accommodating to open our doors to strangers.
Psion, Cabbage, Harem (although his gaff probably has security) have all volunteered in past, and Phil at Doll-House formerly Chislehurst now in Stanley Co.Durham I am told allows lifts and does second-hands so may be sometimes a bit cheaper.
When I was contemplating the rabbit hole I was lucky to find I could not even budge some not-so-big girls before showing my wallet-moths the light. Maybe 'cos I'm old and puny. I recommend the WM body weight chart you chaps produced ages ago. Sorry I can't do links.
Good luck.
Do you mean this one Jock? Its well out of date as I've not had the time to maintain it.

To get the comparitive (real) feel ratio I start with a Height to Weight ratio. Then calculate Waist * hip size then multiply those two ratio's together.
It works, think of girls like the YL 151C that seems so much heavier than the WM 157B despite being 6cm shorter. Or the weird phenominon of the WM 166C seeming easier to handle than the 157B.

I'm not saying that its the perfect magic formula but that real weight Ratio calculation works for me.

The issue that exists with the above is that the published figures are not always correct. I suspect because bodies get recast but the published stats never get updated

Ok, now lets play spot the accountant :21