
Yep, both are fine. Its all just a matter of choice. I prefer Cornflour, others prefer talc. Whilst there have been debates on here as to the relatives merits of both there is no right or wrong in that. Either will sort out the issue :tu
Congratulations on your new arrival. Now that you've had a bit of time to get to know her, have you got around to giving her a wash and powdering. Nothing bonds a girl to you more than intimate care :)

I should have taken this advice yesterday! Thanks!
What! you got an Elf to put out on the firt date!!! Lucky sod. Didn't get that far with Holly until she got a ring on her finger (yes, some of us here consider ourselves in very serious relationships with our girls).
Well, after she gave me my finger back after I'd opened her mouth, she insisted I check the other two orafices... and one thing led to another... several other things actually :o.

Has your girl even told you her name yet?... Whats that honey... Holly says that Cosdolls are tarts. :21:24
Her name is Caramel, she says she's a caramel tart. :D or sometimes a caramel eclair.

As for the question. Yep, tampons all the way.

They serve two purposes. Drying out and air flow... And I'm not necessarily talking about anything to do with sex!

As you discovered yesterday the oral cavity can seal up due to the excretion of oil that meld the TPE together. It can also start to harbour some nasty bacteria from all the kissing.

Tampons will absorb moisture / oil and the tampon casing used on its own opens up the orifice for allow airflow.
Usually how many, I think I'm on my second or third.
Also, talc has arrived.

thanks again for your advice.

P.S. I'm considering getting her a properly fitting bra (if I can find one), is this a good or bad idea?
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