The Wrong Foot Part 2


Golden Diamond Member
A follow up to "Getting off on the Wrong Foot." I let Sihtric, Sasha and Rachel know that Daniel has always just been a model before and has never had a loving home, so they're trying to give him a chance. It may seem like he's getting along with at least one of the others now, but he hasn't quite finished winding everyone up...


Daniel: (thinking) I'll show them how it's done.

Rachel: (thinking) He thinks he's so clever. Sihtric's photos are much better and I HATE telling my brother he's good at anything.

Sasha: (thinking) He looks amazing. Shame he's such a dick. Shit, he's seen me.
Hey, Sasha. Want to join me?
Uh... well...
Go on. I know you have a shirt like this in blue. It makes your eyes look stunning.

Never mind. We can just skip the shirts. I bet Lulu would like it.

Come on, Sasha. Don't be shy.
Yeah, okay.

(thinking) I'm getting goosebumps. Thank God Sihtric and Rachel can't see this.

Sihtric: Rach, do you know where Sasha is?
He's getting off with Daniel.
They're posing together for photos, looking really friendly. I don't think they know I saw them.
It won't mean anything. You know Lulu likes stuff like that. She goes wild if I get friendly with Sasha.
Aren't you jealous?
No, I just hope Sasha doesn't get hurt, that's all. I'm still not sure about Daniel. He doesn't seem to care about anything except himself.
(whispering) Well, I'm bloody jealous. Left out again.
I heard that. You've no reason to be jealous. You know all Lulu's friends like you way more than the rest of us, so stop sulking.
You're right, of course. Little Miss Popular, that's me.
I think the phrase you're looking for is Little Miss Stroppy.

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Its why we love her so much :D

Nice to see Sasha giving Daniel a chance...


Sasha's a sweetheart and remembers what it was like to be the new guy. Unfortunately Daniel doesn't appreciate that yet and is going to make a nuisance of himself with Rachel next. Woe betide him! :eek: