Daniel Considers Leaving


Golden Diamond Member
The next part in Daniel's story...

Daniel: (thinking) Well, that went well. Time to leave, I think. None of them want me here.

(thinking) I really messed up. I don't blame Sihtric for punching me. They were right, I was an arsehole to them. Not really sure what to do now.

Sasha: Hey.
What do you want?
I want to talk to you.
I don’t think there’s anything to say.
There is.

You don’t know us yet.
I’m not sure I want to. (thinking) That sounded stupid. I just don't know how to be anyone's friend.
You’re being a real dick. Why is that? What sort of life did you have before you came here?
Why do you care?
Because mine wasn’t pleasant. I came from Russia. My guy there had to go to war and he sent me away. I ended up working as a model.

You were a model?
Yes. They just used me as a clothes horse. I didn’t even have a proper bed. I slept in a camp bed in the studio. Then the guy sold me to someone who made a mistake and didn’t want me. He threw me out with the rubbish.
I escaped. I found Lulu through some posts she made on the forum. At first I felt like I was intruding in their life. Rachel wasn’t very friendly at first, but Sihtric tried to make me welcome. I left and sat on this bench wondering what to do and Sihtric came to talk to me and made me see that I could be part of the family.
What are you saying?
I’m saying you only have to ask and you’ll be made welcome.

You asked what sort of life I had before.
Are you going to tell me?
I was just a model. I lived in a warehouse mostly. Those photos I showed you all when I first arrived. That’s all I did.
You didn’t have a home?
I was… *cough* … a mistake.
What do you mean?
Someone supposedly wanted me, but then they changed their minds. My tan was too dark for them and my feet were too big.
Your feet were too big? You were rejected for that? And tan fades.
Yeah, well. Cloud Climax kept me for promo photos.
I thought you did a lot of modelling jobs.
No. Just that one. The rest of the time I was kept in a box. I tried to make it sound better than it was.
Shit, that’s awful. We both had a crap life for a while, then.

What do I do? Haven’t I outstayed my welcome?
What happened?
I tried to kiss Rachel. I thought she was interested. I guess I got it wrong. Sihtric hit me.
Wow, that’s not like him. She is his little sister, though.
I think I’ve burnt my bridges.
You haven’t. Come back with me.
And do what? They won’t want me now. Lulu requested me, but if I’ve upset all of you, she’ll change her mind. Just like that first woman did.
You don’t know Lulu, and you don’t know the rest of us. All you have to do it say sorry and ask them to give you another chance. Try to be one of us. Drop this arrogant posing attitude and just be yourself. So what if you had a crappy start and weren’t wanted? That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It can change starting today.
Rachel won’t want that.
She’ll give you a chance if you ask for it.
I feel like an idiot.
You’ve been an idiot. We can overlook it if you apologise.
Okay. I’ll come back. But if they won’t accept me, I’ll get out of your hair for good.

...to be continued...
Nice to see Daniel realises the mistakes he made. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Great shoot and story.

No wonder its Sihtric that Skye fancies. Bet if he went to the park bench it would be with a couple of beers. Well, either that or a suitcase with the rest of Daniels stuff and some colourful language.

Right, don't post for a min. I'm off to get some more popcorn to see how the appology goes.

Hints to Daniel....

1) Bring beers.

2) Do not try to pin the blame on Rachel just because you saw her looking at you out of the window.

3) Keep the route between where in the house you are and the door free of any obstacle that might prevent a hasty retreat.

4) Looking for sympathy gets you nowhere unless your a teenage girl. Now man up and sort this out.
Nice to see Daniel realises the mistakes he made. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Great shoot and story.

Thanks, Seth. Now he just has to grovel. A lot! :D

I really hope they give him a second chance.

Come on Daniel, you can do it.

Thanks, Kenzie. Next part coming soon. As soon as I've recharged a bit!


No wonder its Sihtric that Skye fancies. Bet if he went to the park bench it would be with a couple of beers. Well, either that or a suitcase with the rest of Daniels stuff and some colourful language.

Right, don't post for a min. I'm off to get some more popcorn to see how the appology goes.

Hints to Daniel....

1) Bring beers.

2) Do not try to pin the blame on Rachel just because you saw her looking at you out of the window.

3) Keep the route between where in the house you are and the door free of any obstacle that might prevent a hasty retreat.

4) Looking for sympathy gets you nowhere unless your a teenage girl. Now man up and sort this out.

Great advice there, Shamus. I'm making Daniel read it before he faces Rachel and Sihtric :tu
Great stories LuLu.

Lets hope Sihtric and Rachel accept his apology.

Are those pics taken in a nearby park?
Great stories LuLu.

Lets hope Sihtric and Rachel accept his apology.

Are those pics taken in a nearby park?

Thanks, Gavla. I'm exhausted!

Yes, the outdoor pics are on the playing field next to my house. I've done a few out there before. Sasha sat on that very bench when he first arrived and felt he had to leave, and Sihtric went to talk to him.
I fully expect Rachel to have Daniel in a Full Pretzel hold with additional scrote-lock before she is willing to listen to any apologies :D

Awh yes I remember. Yeah must be bloody hot out there, lifting two big hunky lads about too. :eek:

It was certainly a hot workout! I have a wheelchair though so at least I only had to move them from the chair to the bench :tu
Come on Daniel, lad. Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. They're a good lot and I'm sure they'll give you a chance.
Bit of advice though, don't try it on with Rachel...there's enough broken wangs already :24
Daniel. Be an arsehole. It's funny. But apologise to Rachel. That's inexcusable. But as for the attitude and arrogance ... well... I like you that way. But I don't have to live with you :21