Picnic Hamper


Silver Member
This was a shoot I did a few weeks ago during that awful rainy bit of summer we had. Consequently, the lighting was a little bit "challenging", and I've procrastinated a lot about posting them. But, they're here anyway. I don't really do much photography anymore, but I know you like to see Lynne from time to time.

The Hamper

One day, a large box was delivered to the house:

I was busy working from home that day, and asked Lynne to take care of it. She got to work opening the box up. With her enthusiasm I was expecting there to be coffee or something irresistable for her:

"Oh, it looks like a hamper! And a picnic blanket and another random box!":

Having made a mess with the packaging, Lynne pulled the hamper out of the box to take a closer look:

"It's very posh! I think there's some things inside it...":

I was still busy trying to get my head around some annoyingly bad structural steelwork designs for some warehouse in Glasgow, so encouraged her to take a look and see if there was anything edible that needed dealing with:

I could hear rustling as I carried on with my work. "Hmm, this one's empty", Lynne muttered:

I thought this was a little odd, but carried on working. "This one's empty too!":

I thought this was even more odd, so I looked away from my work to see Lynne tucking into some crisps:

"So that's why things were empty, you've been eating them!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, I was hungry" said Lynne. "Also, you said that I needed to deal with the edible stuff."
"Not like that, silly... I meant put them in the cupboard, or the fridge if it needed to be chilled."
"Oh. Well there still a few things left. Didn't see any coffee, by the way. There's everything in there for a picnic, including glasses for drinks! I suppose I had better get things tidied up"
"Yes, good idea, and get a brew on. By the way, what's in the other box?"

Just as I said this, I noticed several empty bottles of beer and a half finished bottle of Pimms on the side table... Suddenly, there was a crash, and muffled swearing...

"Helvíti! Kúkalabbi! Bollocks! Help!"

It was at point where I figured out where the drink had gone...
Lighting looks fine to me but I'm not one of the professionals.
Steelwork will be fine once it's all burnt down for the insurance.
Hope you and Lynne were able to get away for a picnic this past week of good weather. Make use of the hamper.
Love a good story. What a piggy.
The girl works fast.... must remember to keep all snacks either attended or out of Lynnes reach....

Bless her :D

Hope you and Lynne were able to get away for a picnic this past week of good weather. Make use of the hamper.
We had one aborted attempt due to weather, and one that involved other humans, so nothing to be able to show with Lynne. However we now have something planned for next weekend! :)
The girl works fast.... must remember to keep all snacks either attended or out of Lynnes reach....

Bless her :D


Just don't feed her after midnight. She's not a Gremlin, but the crumbs in the bed are a literal pain in the arse... :no: