Step by step tutorial for Youtube videos

revoL annaerB

Super Moderator
Staff member
Ok, for anyone struggling with the new Youtube function I thought I'd do a step by step tut with pics...

First of all open up youtube to the vid you want to include...

Highlight all the text AFTER the =

If you aren't sure how to do this all you do is click immediately after the = and while holding your left mouse button down simply drag the cursor to the end of the text.


Copy this to the clipboard by either right-clicking on the highlighted text and choosing Copy from the dropbox or holding CTRL while pressing the c key.


Then go to this site and start your new post until you are ready to place the video.

The easiest way to insert the video is to paste the text onto your page by either right-clicking and clicking on Paste or holding CTRL while pressing the v key. It will then show this...


Double click that text to highlight it and click the Youtube button. It should now look like this...

[YOU.TUBE]VxKfC77XAp8[/YOU.TUBE] Note. The dots were put there just to show how it'll look whilst making the post...I had to include them so the link wouldn't work and you could see how your post will look as you create or edit it.

When you preview the post it should show the youtube window like this...

Then you are ready to post, unless you want to add anything else to the post but this covers the Youtube parts of your post.

Hope this helps, I've tried to do it to cover all computer skill levels but if it's rubbish the mods are welcome to delete the thread...if it's not clear enough please make a comment and I'll modify it until it's okay.

Needless to say some things have more than one way to do but I've just shown what I consider to be the easiest way.

PS. This film looks like it's gonna be funny!
Thanks Timbo, I don't usually have reason to look at the URL so I didn't know about the double = thing.

I should have posted it in the help forum myself, sorry about that.
Thanks revoL, a picture is worth a thousand words they say, so yours are most helpful. :b

Here's a little one for you in return, if you want to show how to type something in BB code but do not want it to activate in the post then you can use the [NOPARSE] option, you just open and close your example in the normal bb code way, ending with this. [/NOPARSE]

Here's your Ted link done as an example.


Be careful in its use as it strips all BB code out, including itself, so cannot be 'nested', I've had to use it several times in this post to get it to show properly. Click quote and you'll see how it works. :D

Excellent choice of Movie for an example BTW :D :tu :happy

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Thanks, CT, I did not know that.

This reminds me of the phrase 'You learn something new every day', although I prefer my version 'You have the opportunity to learn something new every day'.

I'll leave the original post as it is for continuity within the thread unless you want it changing.