Zelex Torso Listing Help


Silver Member
I tried to put this on another page but I can't find it now so sorry if this is in the wrong place,,,,,,,,,
Hi All, I will shortly be offering my Zelex Torso on here for sale. I am acutely aware this has to be in the correct "For sale" section so I won't put more detail in this post. My question is due to my technical incompetence I can't find how to add photos to a "For sale" listing and I am paranoid that I will type the text then not be able to add the images then break a forum rule of some sort.

Can someone please explain how to add images to a "For sale" thread from an Iphone.

Many thanks in advance.
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Take photos with your user name and date then type in all the text regards spec of your doll then move down the page in the for sale section there you can add attachment click on the attachment then find your photos select the photos one by one and when done click on save button