Howdy folks


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Mike here and I am pretty active on the more US-focused TDF but thought (as an expat Brit) I'd broaden my horizons and take a step over the Channel to sign up here, too.

I have just the one girl right now, my wonderful WM163/159, Miranda by name, but she may well be getting a friend or two in the future.

Thanks for reading and I hope to post some pics and so on in due course.

Mike :)
Question about best way to post pics?

Hi Folks,

Sorry for the delay in replying, RL got in the way.

Also, I have not been able to upload any pics to an album I created for Mira, as I got the message

"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing."

My pics are pretty big, maybe that is the reason (although it did say they would be resized...).

So let's maybe try just linking through from where I have them elsewhere on the web:


This is Mira taking a nap after the effort of getting her blue lingerie on...

Here is Mira during our huge Halloween shoot:


Mira being a non-blonde (as she usually is) and playing with her, er, big snake...


Mira doing something strenuous for a change (well, apart from that, obvs...):


And last but not least, Mira being a Real Girl for a moment...


Loads more to come, I'll also be having a good look around the forum today. And if anyone knows how to solve my album problem... that would probably be better than cross-linking things...

Cheers :tu,

Gorgeous pics! :b

No real experience with the album upload issue as I host my own, but if your oiginal pix are HUUUUGE, then it could cause a timeout and the resulting error.
Thanks so much guys, yes, she's my special girl and no mistake!

I'll see about getting her a thread set up, just wondering where the best place would be for that.

As already said, welcome to the forum and Mira looks lovely and fun:tu

The forum albums allow up to 1024 pixels on the longest side, while it will resize it really doesn't like reducing very large files so it would be best to reduce them yourself:)