Small Christmas Story


Gold Excellence Member
T'was the night before the night before Christmas :confused:

I had been getting some of the little ones into their Christmas outfits

A minute or two after I'd finished and taken the above pic, Chito sauntered in....

To be continued.......:D
This morning....

now where did I put my mithril chain link Kevlar reinforced gauntlets....​
Someone's going to get a skateboard to the head :D

The Girls look adorable!

Very cute and nice, I got 5 girls to get ready for Xmas morning.. my back is gonna be hurting.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I was planning to do a bit more but unexpected visitors arrived un-announced (like they do) so things got delayed.

Here's the rest of it

Hopefully I can get them all together for a couple of festive photo's. The light has all but gone so maybe a task for tomorrow morning providing I'm not in A&E by then.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.​
Poor Chito, she's very "bah, humbug." I hope she gets some nice presents.

Merry Christmas to you all :tu
Thanks everyone. I survived the night unscathed. The presents must have been good enough.

Got them assembled for a quick pic this morning before they ran off to see what goodies had been left for them.

They are (left to right) Shnuffi, Reimu, Chito and Rini (the red nose reindeer).

Hope everyone and their dolls have a great day.​