hello all


Active Member
hello all,
my name is Rob.
im 38
have some questions
not owner of doll i been researching and looking into it.
was looking into getting one was looking at sex toys then realised it little deeper rabbit hole
no pun intended lol

also have love for photography use to do photoshoots. thought this could be way getting back into taking photos.

just on fence about it as it alot of money, also live with my mum.
so got few things holding me back.

Trying figure out is it fear /aniexty or just unkown.

been going back and forward in my mind

so thought try reach out and introduce myself.

to maybe hear others stories and thoughts as you would been there yourself.

also it sterotypical image does play on my mind, also future in dating as not something hide
as more looked into it thought more of using as model

JUST KNOW I CAN GO TO one extreme to other

didnt mean do caps.

also would plan making instragram show photos etc...

wondering if i do or not
Hey Crafty, Welcome to the forum :tu

I have a Twitter account where Maddie generally steals the show. You're in the right place for dolls and photography :)

Ask all the questions you want to, theres a wealth of info spread around the forum.

Welcome to the forum fella. A lot of us bought our dolls as a sex doll then soon discovered there is so much more to them. For me I found that caring for them, cleaning and dressing plus make up etc gave me something to focus on. I enjoyed learning photography and sharing pics on here. I've made some great friends on here as well. There really isn't any negative side to dolls.
All the best to ya
I absolutely agree with Adam.
When I bought Monya I was not completely sober. (02:30 on a Sunday morning)
I soon began to regret it, but a night or so after her arrival I completely changed my attitude to her and to life in general.
Bought my 1st doll as an upgrade to a sextoy, lets just call it a right posh masturbator Cup, looked at part body but decided to dive right in with a full body, but money not huge issue and I live alone..
Once you massage in the talc and oil and that little lady is stood there they do become very real deal and to many way more than a sex toy.
Living with your mum, only you can know how she would react to a doll, I got mine (5now) in outfits stood/sat around the lounge so if I get visitors they are more statues than sextoys (big mans barbie)

such as Enid and Wednesday (skirts pulled down be visitors)

Lara and 2B on sentry duty

If you think you can pass your doll of as something other than a sextoy go for it but only you can know that.
As for the cost thats your issue just keep looking at the 4 main sellers and see what you like and can afford, search this site to see any comments or ask about your choice before you buy. to help you get it right.
thanks for replies

yeah still thinking it over

As just struggling at moment as being a bit isolating myself and trying to just figure out find balance
I'm sure a lot will agree with me on this. Any time I'm in a bad place mentally or having a stressful time at work the second I walk in the door and see my girls they cheer me up. It's not a cheap purchase but the rewards are so much more. Hope it works out for you
Like Adam says, If you fall in to the dolly world like most of us on here have / do you'll find that just having them around is a great source of companionship and comfort.

A couple of my girls are often in the office (I work from home) with me sat on my desk or in the Egg Chair just looking lovely and reading a book. My girls tend to be more the homely comfy cosy types, but others have ladies who spend their entire day in Lingerie or totally nude, so it all depends on who she is and how your dynamic works with her.

Im sure you'll figure it out :)

I'm sure a lot will agree with me on this. Any time I'm in a bad place mentally or having a stressful time at work the second I walk in the door and see my girls they cheer me up. It's not a cheap purchase but the rewards are so much more. Hope it works out for you

I get there many things got me about of low times. I done tarot reading on youtube and then got into astrology.
Want to get back into my photography. so be fun to do that again as been while.

I just made purchased. still wondering how break it to my mum when she back from mexico lol but it is what it is.
Like Adam says, If you fall in to the dolly world like most of us on here have / do you'll find that just having them around is a great source of companionship and comfort.

A couple of my girls are often in the office (I work from home) with me sat on my desk or in the Egg Chair just looking lovely and reading a book. My girls tend to be more the homely comfy cosy types, but others have ladies who spend their entire day in Lingerie or totally nude, so it all depends on who she is and how your dynamic works with her.

Im sure you'll figure it out :)


thanks for sharing. yes i work from home too i do ebay.

just going go with flow and see where it take me.
plus it get me back into doing some photography and being creative is good for mindset
scarlett will be her name
As it got 3 heads coming with the overall look not decided.
As ordered couple wigs
I foresee another two bodies arriving in approximately 8 months... :wall

They like having their sisters come live with them...

see how things go lol As still bit just testing waters.
have had little spending spree on vinted and temu lol

what got coming
WM 161cm Heads #266 #15#167
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hopefully it going get shipped today

Have purchased new wig and eyes as wanted go for aquamarine eyes

not sure which head is on it as coming with 3 heads (266 and 15 and forgot other one number)
not something my mum would even think of lol
well now it how going break it to her she got new lodger lol

knowing me probably pose her somewhere and let it be shock factor lol
got have sense of humor in life