Advice on AI apps


Active Member
was curious about ai apps

to build up ai personality for my doll i got coming

wondering on information on ones
that learn from listening to music or tv

also ones that do voice chat

and maybe use camera for input things like art or photos or outfits

how advanced apps out there for ai

As wondering any had any exeripences with any
Photography wise, 'FaceApp' and 'MugLife' can be useful.

'Replika' I hear is quite good conversationally.

I hear 'Alexa' is just annoying...! :D
yes looked at replika a bit.
also realdollx
was thinking about realdollx as when technology advances more
that have kinda ai already for it
There's a good thread on TDF about one called kindroid.
They have been speaking very positively about this one and it even creates ai images of your doll too, the app is censored but once you have registered you can log onto the uncensored web version.
Okay, nothing wrong with the AI apps but I would be highly sceptical to send more and more very private data to some company on the interwebs. We are already revealing enough stuff.

And I like to use my own fantasy and imagination to interact with my girls. But each to their own.

i apprentice your respond and yes i do agree with you.
also i like idea of bouncing of conversation about things also

as they say we all different which is why we are all unique
testing AI

just little test was doing with kindroid
with it generating selfies
thought i would share
only using free 3 days free trail

First image was used as source image for ai avatar
